“Tomorrow seems kind of soon. Are you sure you’re up to it?” he asked, sounding concerned but also controlling. Anna didn’t like the feeling she got, but she forced a smile.

“I’ll be fine. Plus, I need to make some money. I don’t have much left.”

Anna felt another hand lay across her back as Ben whispered next to her ear. “We’ll take care of you, honey. Any money you need, you just come to us.”

Anna swallowed hard. This was getting to be a bit much. She felt smothered at the moment, like everyone was in control of her life except for her.

She took a step away from them and placed some distance between her and Ben and Charlie.

“Listen,” she stated, louder than she meant, causing everyone to look at her, including Eric and Stacy.

She took a deep breath and began more calmly.

“Listen, please…I appreciate your kindness. I truly do, but there’s no need to patronize me. I’m a grown woman, I’ve been down and out and then some, so believe me when I tell you that I can handle things. I will not accept money from you. Any of you. I am taking that job and starting tomorrow, so things will get better.” Charlie began to object, and Ben looked ready to yell. She stopped them with a raise of her hand palm forward and a stern look.

“I am fine, Charlie. I’m used to being on my own and handling it all, whether I am sick, injured, or just plain exhausted. Now, Stacy has some plans for tonight, and I’m taking a little tour of Pearl for the evening. I’ll be staying at the hotel in town with my last fifty bucks. That way, I’ll be right in town for my first day at work, and no one will need to drive me there.”

Charlie attempted to interrupt again, and this time, Stacy and Max laughed as they quickly removed themselves from the current situation.

Anna wondered what the heck they were doing, and as she watched them go, she felt herself being pulled toward the porch steps of Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt’s house.

Charlie sat down on the bench, pulling Anna onto his lap. Ben stood directly in front of them and inches away from Anna.

His arm was gently around her waist, and his other hand lay flat against her thigh.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Charlie asked as Ben stood by with his hands on his hips looking sexy as damn hell. Anna tried not to focus on either man’s beauty, but it was pretty hard with her rear plastered on top of rock-solid thighs.

Charlie tilted her chin toward him so he could look into her eyes.

“I think we need to talk about this more calmly. What do you mean you’re going to stay in the hotel in town?” Charlie asked.

Anna clasped her fingers together on her lap and began to fidget.

Ben knelt down next to her and Charlie. It was a strange sight, seeing a man Ben’s size kneeling down in front of her. His head was level with her chest as he slightly looked up at her. His sandy brown hair tossed around a little with the light spring breeze. He squinted as a strand hit his long eyelashes then smiled at her, noticing she stared. Quickly, Anna looked down toward her hands. Her knuckles were white from gripping them so tightly.

Ben placed his hand over hers.

“Anna, please don’t be afraid of us. We’re not trying to run your life. We just want to protect you. Now, what’s this nonsense about staying in town?”

Anna didn’t want to give away Stacy’s secret surprise, but the men’s response to her statement was intimidating.

“Does Wyatt know?” Charlie asked, and Anna jumped at his statement. For some reason, she feared Wyatt’s reaction to her staying in town for the night. Of course, there was the conversation she had with Stacy on the ride over and the way Wyatt kissed her in town and claimed her taken to all the men at the restaurant.

“I…I just need to give Stacy, Max, and Eric some alone time, that’s all.”

“Then you’ll stay with us,” Charlie


Anna jumped up off his lap and stood. There was no place to run to because Charlie’s legs were in the way, as well as Ben’s body.

Charlie held her by her outer thighs, and her legs began to shake. It was an intimate hold for her. Charlie was a big man with large hands that practically covered her whole thigh. With Ben inches away from her back, she felt hot and shaky. She never suffered from claustrophobia, but being sandwiched between these two made her panic.

“No! I can’t stay here…No way.” Anna crossed her arms in front of her chest.

* * * *

Charlie had to hide his grin from her. She looked so adorable the way she fidgeted with her hands and jumped up off of his lap. She had felt so good sitting there, he nearly lost his ability to speak.