
“I cried for him to help me, but the other man kept fondling me, touching me everywhere. I didn’t want him to rape me, Stacy. I didn’t want to go with them.”

“I know, honey. I understand. What did you do?”

“As the guys continued to touch me and talk about my body and turning me…and turning me into a cash machine…my father asked if anyone needed a drink.”

“What the fuck!”

“I couldn’t believe it. I was so helpless. I was in so much pain I could hardly stand, and the guy kept touching me. God, Stacy, I can feel his hands on me. When I look in the mirror and see the bruises, I can picture him there.”

Anna cried and tried to control her breathing. Stacy cried as well, feeling such hatred and anger toward Anna’s father, she wished she could kill him herself.

“They told him they were taking me to whore me out to get back the cash he owed. I pleaded for my dad to help. He told them…he told them…to take me. That he didn’t care, that I meant nothing to him.” Anna couldn’t stop crying.

“The slimy bastard! How could he do that?” Stacy cried.

She pulled Anna into an embrace, and they held one another tight.

A few minutes passed before Anna calmed her breathing, pulled away, and continued.

“I had to get out of there. I couldn’t let them take me away.”

“What did you do? How did you escape?” Stacy cried along with Anna.

“I told them I had money stashed in my room. I said I would give them the money I had and that I would get the rest of the money my dad owed them as soon as I could. They believed me, but when they asked how much, and I told them a few thousand…” Anna paused. The tears began to streak down her cheeks as she locked gazes with Stacy.

“Yes?” Stacy asked.

“My father called me a bitch and hit me.”

Stacy covered her mouth with her hand in shock. No wonder she’s so scared. How could she ever trust anyone again?

“I knew he didn’t love me. It was the final straw. He was going to let them take me. He only cared about the money I made and supporting him. There was no love there.

“I quickly headed into my room, closed the door, and prayed they didn’t follow me. The one guy wanted to break me in. I was afraid he was going to do it right there in the bedroom while my father and the other guy stood outside the door. I grabbed the money I had left and climbed out the window. By the grace of god, I climbed the fire escape and jumped the last twelve feet or so. I ran until I caught a cab and headed to the airport. You know the rest.”

Stacy took Anna’s hand and squeezed it.

“I love you so much, Anna. I’m so sorry that he hurt you and that those men hurt you. I promise that you’ll be safe here. I know the men will protect you. You don’t have to run anymore.”

Anna wiped the tears from her eyes and held her ribs.

“I don’t know if the men will try to find me. They were dead set on making me theirs. They were very evil, very bad men. My father obviously can’t be trusted, and he could give them your address or name. I can’t bring this to your home. I won’t put you in danger, Stacy.”

“Nonsense! These are Texas cowboys, and they’re a helluva lot tougher than any city gangsters or thugs. Plus, Wyatt is a real badass, never mind my Max and the others. Wyatt has connections in New York, and Charlie was in the Marines. You can’t get better protection than that.”

“I don’t feel right coming here and interrupting their lives, Stacy. They don’t have to fight my battles. Someone could get hurt.”

“Why don’t we let the men make their own decision?”

Anna shook her head. Stacy held her hand and wouldn’t release it.

“They’ll need to know the truth. They’ll want to be prepared just in case those guys come looking.”

Anna turned toward the water.

“They’ll hate me.”