Anna sat up in her chair and grabbed the armrests.


“Either you’re lying to me about noticing, or you really are clueless when it comes to men.”

“The latter, I’m afraid. I’ve never had time for boys or men. It’s always been about taking care of dad and covering medical bills while mom was still alive. There was never time for me, and life just passed me by. Here I am, the twenty-three-year-old virgin.”

“Virgin!” Stacy jumped out of her chair and nearly stumbled and fell.

Quickly, she recovered and placed her hands on her hips.

“Start talking now, girl!”

Anna cringed. She felt so embarrassed for shouting that out, but it was true, and Stacy got her all fired up about men and dating.

“I’m afraid it’s true. I don’t know a thing about sex or men or any of the signs.”

“Oh, darling, that is nothing to be ashamed of. I wish I hadn’t slept with Alex back in college. I could have given Eric and Max something sacred and special. You still have a chance to find true love and embrace it fully, with every part of you.”

Now Anna stood up.

“Me? In love with a man? Not gonna happen, Stacy.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Too much fucking baggage, damn it!” Now Anna was annoyed.

Stacy covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.

“What?” Anna demanded to know what was so funny.

“I don’t think I have ever heard you curse, never mind use the word fuck.”

Anna stuck out her tongue.

“Very funny. Thanks a lot.”

“Okay, little virgin, let’s discuss this in more detail. I have got to hear your reasoning behind remaining a virgin and never finding true love.”

Anna took a deep breath and began using her fingers to count off all the reasons she should remain single.

“One, I’ve always been the breadwinner and have worked my ass off all these years despite any stereotypical and chauvinistic barriers along the way. Men don’t find that type of independence easy to handle. They want to be in charge, and a man in charge is a man with the power to hurt and cause pain.”

Stacy swallowed hard. “That’s just bullshit. Real men love independent women. The difference between the men you’re used to and men I know is they actually care. If a man loves his woman, he can accept her need to be independent and can encourage her to live her life to the fullest just like him. Go on, give me another one.”

“Two!” Anna raised her voice.

“Men need to dominate and control and…cause pain.” Anna began to cry.

Immediately, Stacy pulled her into an embrace.

“Oh, Anna. You just haven’t met men who would cherish you and love you and never bring harm to you.”

“They don’t exist,” Anna cried, then laughed at how childish the words sounded to her own ears.

“Sure they do. Look at Eric and Max. Never mind Charlie, Wyatt, and Ben.”

Anna pulled away. “No, no, no, can’t you see what I mean? It’s not Eric, Max, or the others…it’s me. The problem is always going to be with me. I’m scared, Stacy. I’m so damn scared. I can’t sleep, I can’t…live a normal life. I feel like I’m destined for pain. Like I’m no one, and I’m stumbling through life taking up space.”