Then she thought about the ranch and all the men who worked there. Instantly, she thought about Charlie, Ben, and Wyatt. How could she be attracted to each of them? While Charlie held her in the kitchen, she sought out Wyatt’s touch. All the while, she thought about Ben and wondered where he was. It was strange and yet natural.

She was desperate for attention. Still, after everything that happened to her and after the most important man in her life deserted her and pushed her away, she still sought love and affection. What the hell is wrong with me? Didn’t getting beaten and nearly forced into prostitution shove reality in my face? The hope of finding happiness and belonging to a family was a childhood dream. The dream is dead.

No…there was no way she could open herself up for disappointment and betrayal. Never again.

She glanced toward Stacy, feeling envious and rather jealous. Stacy not only had a home and a family but two men who adored her and loved her. The way Eric and Max looked at Stacy brought tears of joy to Anna’s eyes. She wished for nothing but happiness for her best friend. She just wished she could be on the receiving end for once in her own life.

Stacy was beautiful both outside and inside. With her short raven red hair and big green eyes, she was stunning. She had always been there for Anna as early as elementary school.

They never lost touch, no matter how many miles stood between them. Texas was a long way from New York, but they still spoke on the phone once a week, or at least no longer than two weeks apart. Her calls perked Anna up and made life bearable.

Max and Eric were lucky.

“Whatcha thinking about over there?” Stacy inquired, drawing Anna’s attention toward her.

“How lucky I am to have a best friend like you and how lucky Eric and Max are.”

Stacy smiled.

“I’m lucky to have you, and I’m blessed to have found true love, double style,” Stacy stated with a bit of a Texas drawl.

Anna laughed.

“I couldn’t imagine one love, never mind two simultaneously.”

“Oh, come on, Anna, you’re gorgeous. I’ve seen the way the men around here have been eyeing you. You’ll be going out on dates and being the hottest item in town in no time.”

Anna laughed.

“Sorry, Stacy, but that’s not me at all. I’m quiet, shy, and picky.”

“Is that so? I find it hard to believe that you didn’t date a bunch back in New York. I always wondered when I would get that call saying you were in love.”

Anna looked toward the water and sighed.

“No time for dating, working double shifts every day and night.”

Stacy sighed.

“Well, no need to worry about that now. You’re in Texas, and you don’t have to work double shifts.”

“I will need to find work, though, and if there’s nothing in Pearl, it’s more the reason to move on.”

“You’ll find something if you want to. I know the restaurant is hiring. You always loved cooking, maybe the owner has some available shifts for a cook.”

“That might work.”

“As far as the dating thing, I’m not pushing you, Anna. Things have a way of working themselves out.”

“I know. I’m too scared right now for that. Men make me nervous, and after New York, I don’t know when I’ll get over that fear.”

“You seem to be comfortable with Wyatt, Charlie, and Ben.” Stacy smiled, then sat back in her chair.

Anna felt her cheeks warm.

“They’ve been very kind to me. I know it’s because they feel sorry for me. They’ve been real hospitable.”

“Hospitable, my ass! Those three are interested in you.”