“Car accident, my ass,” she whispered and laughed, remembering Stacy’s words.

She didn’t want to bring trouble to their doorstep. Would the men come looking to claim her for the money her father owed? The men seemed dead set on keeping her for themselves. A chill ran through her body.

She hoped that the scratch across her breast wouldn’t scar. It was bad enough that the memories of his touch would surely remain forever.

She grabbed the sweatshirt Stacy left her and put it on. There was bruising on her arms, her neck, shoulders…everywhere. Stacy seemed to trust this Charlie guy, so she had no choice but to trust him, too. Just as long as she didn’t have to go to a hospital or see the sheriff.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly headed downstairs.

* * * *

“There you are! I was getting worried about you,” Stacy stated as she headed toward Anna, leading her into the kitchen. Anna halted at the sight of the very large men in the kitchen. They stared at her, and she turned away.

“I’m not really that hungry. Maybe I’ll just lie down a while,” Anna said and tried to step away. Stacy firmly held her arm.

“Nonsense! When was the last time you ate?”

Anna shrugged her shoulders.

“Sit down here, honey, and make a sandwich before Charlie and Ben eat it all,” Eric teased then smiled.

“We wouldn’t do that, Eric,” Charlie stated as he took a bite of his sandwich and winked at Anna. She listened as they teased one another, and she tried to force herself to relax a little. The other two men were gorgeous. Shaking like a leaf, she took the seat farthest away from the men. Every so often, she saw them watching her.

* * * *

Anna was a tiny thing, and Charlie could tell by the looks of the bruising on her cheeks and neck that they were very recent and not from a car accident. A feeling of protectiveness came over him. A glance at his brother Ben and he could tell he felt the same sensation. Ben’s knuckles were white as he held the mug of iced tea. Lots of questions went through Charlie’s head, but he knew he had to be gentle with Anna. Stacy felt that whatever happened was traumatic, and seeing Anna, he agreed.

She remained quiet and picked at her food. The bruising and cuts looked new, and his gut said they were days old. He noticed her hands shook and her coloring was poor. Instinct told him she was weak, probably fatigued from not eating and not getting treatment for her injuries. The fact that she sat so far away from them and cringed each time they spoke concerned him. If she was going to let him check her injuries, he’d have to help her relax a little. He decided to try and get her more comfortable with him.

“I’m a veterinarian and medic around here. I take care of all the livestock and the humans as well,” he stated with a smile.

He watched as Anna nibbled on her bottom lip but didn’t reply.

“Charlie here has a gentle touch. He’s real good at healing animals and people,” Ben stated with a smile, but Anna glanced his way, then turned toward Stacy, who rose from her chair.

When they were finished with lunch, Stacy and Eric began cleaning up.

“Anna, will you let me take a look at your injuries? Stacy is real worried about you.” Charlie tried to remain calm. The truth was that he was scared out of his mind to see what injuries had been inflicted upon this beautiful, delicate young woman.

Despite the bruises, she was gorgeous, and the fact that she had them caused a knot in his chest.

“Of course she is going to let you look her over. She promised me,” Stacy stated and eyed Anna.

“I’m really all right. I don’t want to be a bother, and I think if I take a few aspirin I should be fine.”

Charlie touched Anna’s hand. “I promise it will be all right.”

He was drawn to her large brown eyes. His insides quivered, and his crotch grew tight at the attraction.

Anna seemed to feel it as well as she lowered her long, dark lashes and pulled her hand away. She placed them on her lap and remained still.

“Anna, you promised me that Charlie could have a look. He won’t hurt you. I swear he’ll be gentle, and if you don’t want him to continue, he’ll stop. I want to be sure you’re okay, honey,” Stacy pleaded as she kneeled by her chair.

Anna whispered something to Stacy that Charlie couldn’t hear.

Stacy smiled. “He’s big, I know. All the men around here are, honey, but that doesn’t mean they’ll hurt you,” Stacy whispered, then stood up from the table. Her voice had cracked, and she quickly turned away.

Charlie was angry at the thought that Anna was scared of his size and scared that any of them would cause her harm. There was a man involved with this, a dead man if he ever met him.