“Yeah. We took her out on a couple of dates, and then she disappeared Thursday. Her friends from Dixie Chix said that she went away for a week. But she doesn’t have any family, and she was excited about seeing Sally’s babies get born,” Evan said as he lifted another pitchfork full of hay and tossed it onto the ground.

“Well, she should be back to work by next week. When my Sheila had that procedure done, she had to stay in bed or at least take it easy for a week. No lifting, exercise, or any strenuous activities. Depending on whether Ava has regular stitches or dissolvable ones, she probably will have to go back to get those removed,” Everett offered the information and both Colton and Evan stopped what they were doing.

“What are you talking about?” Colton asked.

“Ava. She’s friends with my Sheila, and Ava was diagnosed with breast cancer over a week ago. She went in on Thursday to have surgery. Sheila’s been on edge since last week, hoping that Dr. Nickles got all the cancer out when he removed the lump in Ava’s breast. You know, Ava was married for only a couple of months when her husband passed from cancer. She was also pregnant with his child and that poor girl had a miscarriage. It’s terrible that this had to happen to her, too. Ava’s been helping people around Delite, since she arrived in town. She’s an angel, and we’ve been praying for her.”

Colton clenched his teeth. Evan stopped what he was doing and stared in shock.

“My God. Why didn’t she tell us, Colton?”

“Oh hell. You mean she didn’t let you know what was happening?” Everett asked.

“No, she didn’t,” Colton added.

“We only went on two dates, but the attraction is there,” Evan said.

“Knowing Ava, she probably didn’t want you two to worry. You know, I was at Dixie Chix last night and heard that Ava wouldn’t let anyone tell Sally. She didn’t want her upset before the babies were born. That young woman always seems to be sacrificing herself to help others. She was so thoughtful when Sheila was going through chemo that she cooked a bunch of meals for us and came to visit Sheila. She’s a good woman. If she didn’t tell you, it was probably because she didn’t want you to worry.”

“Shit, Colton, we told her about mom.”

“I was thinking the same thing. Well, I say we get cleaned up and head over to her place.”

“And do what?” Evan asked.

“Let that woman know that there are two men willing and able to take care of her. The self-sacrificing shit ends here.”

Colton tossed the horse brush into the bucket and caressed the horse with his hands before grabbing the reins and leading him toward one of the stalls with the new hay.

“We’ll make her see, together we’re better.”

* * * *

Ava was never the kind of woman to stay lying around in bed. Two days and she was up and lounging on the couch after Steven stopped by to reprimand her and then BJ, Monte, Tyler, Vic, and even Matt and Tyler. It was funny how all the other women’s men felt compelled to take care of Ava and look out for her since she was the last single Dixie Chix. Little did they know that things had gone wonderfully with her, Evan, and Colton, but the timing wasn’t right.

The last few days had brought some anxiety on despite the fact that she longed for them to be with her. She wondered what she had to offer two amazing men like Colton and Evan. This went beyond insecurities about herself. It was amazing how just thinking about them gave her hope. Like two angels, they showed up out of nowhere and snagged her heart and pulled her negative thoughts to determination for happiness and a future. She felt guilty for not calling them and for having Susanna lie about her being away for a week. She just didn’t want to be a burden, especially after Evan’s comment about never wanting to go through again what he had experienced with his mother.

She swallowed hard as she pulled the blanket over her shoulders and snuggled against the couch. In a few days she was going to the doctor’s office to get the stitches out. Susanna and the girls had been taking great care of her. Ava also got to talk to Sally. Sally wasn’t too happy that Ava kept the secret from her, but her friend understood. Ava promised to stop by and see Sally and the babies as soon as she felt up to going out.

“Hey, how are you doing? Excited about getting the stitches out?” Alexa asked as she entered the living room with Chad.

“I guess so. A few more days and then my next worry will be having a scar.”

“Vitamin E is supposed to be good for that. You should ask Doctor Nickles,” Chad added.

“I will. So what are you two up to?” Ava asked them.

“Going out for a while,” Alexa said and then they heard the sound of the doorbell.

“Probably some more flowers for you. Didn’t know you had so many people who cared about you, did ya, Ava?” Alexa asked as she got up and went to go answer the door, but before she got into the hallway, Ava saw Susanna approaching and she looked a bit worried.

“Who is it?” Chad asked when Evan and Colton entered the room.

Ava felt the tears reach her eyes.

“Why, Ava? Why didn’t you tell us?” Colton asked. Evan walked into the room and stared at her.

“We’ll give you guys some privacy,” Chad said then ushered Alexa and Susanna out of the room.