* * * *

Ava made the introductions and Dr. Nickles was happy that Ava brought Susanna along with her.

“Okay, so the test results came back and after thoroughly analyzing the tissue, it’s a definite. The cells are cancerous, Ava,” the doctor told her.

Ava covered her mouth with her hand as she gasped. She felt Susanna squeeze her other hand hard.

“It’s going to be okay, Ava. As I had explained during the last visit, you got to me quickly and didn’t wait. The cancer has not spread to any lymphoids

as far as I can tell. I don’t think that we can wait on this. I’d like to schedule an operation as soon as possible to remove the cancerous lump.”

“Oh God, an operation? Will it get rid of the cancer? How in-depth of a procedure is it?” Ava asked a bunch of questions.

“First, I’m going to repeat myself, early detection is key in diagnosis and treatment. You did the right thing by conducting the self-exam, finding the small lump, and then making the appointment to see me. We’ve followed the right steps here to confirm diagnosis and treatment. I’m not taking any chances here. So this is what is going to happen. I want to schedule surgery to remove the lump and any tissue surrounding the area. We’ll take more tissue samples during the operation. I’m hopeful that I can get it all in one procedure. Now, you may need some chemo, just as follow-up, or to destroy any other cancer cells lingering in the area.”

“Oh God,” Ava repeated as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Ava, it’s very common, and as I said, I’m confident you’ll be okay. You need to trust me.”

She felt Susanna rub her back.

“I do trust you, Dr. Nickles.”

The doctor gave a soft smile.

“Then, let’s schedule the procedure.”

“What is the recovery for this type of surgery?” Susanna thought to ask and Ava was grateful. Right now her ears were buzzing and her head throbbing with scenarios, questions, fears, and everything else combined in what felt like one small space.

“It will be at least a week of rest and taking it easy. Someone will need to help you to change the bandage and get plenty of fluids and rest. No heavy lifting or exercise, but you should be fine within that week.”

“And the chemo? What type and what effects on her might there be?”

“Well, Susanna, first, I want to get that lump out of her body. Once the pathologist analyzes the other surrounding tissue, we can discuss types of chemo or different ways to destroy the cancer if it’s still there. Ava is lucky. At her young age, and at this stage, she has options. So, let me get my surgery schedule and see when we can take care of this, okay?”

* * * *

Ava turned to Susanna, who now had tears in her eyes, too.

“I’m scared. I can’t believe this is happening to me. After losing my husband and then the baby. My God, why me?”

She cried.

“What, Ava?” Susanna asked then looked at the doctor. He seemed to know exactly what Ava was referring to. “I’ll give you two a few minutes while I just check this schedule with my secretary.” The doctor made an excuse to leave.

“What were you just talking about? You were married?”

Ava wiped her eyes and nodded her head.

“What happened?”

“Jonathan and I were married for two months. He had just returned from being in the Army for six years. We had waited to get married, because he wanted to serve his country and protect it. He was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer just as I found out I was pregnant.”

“Oh God, Ava, that’s terrible. What happened to the baby?”

“I was four months pregnant when I had a miscarriage. I lost the baby, too.”

“Sweet mother of God, that’s terrible, baby. My God, I can’t believe you went through that.”