“It feels great. I’m glad he’s finally out and we can move on with another stage of our lives,” Evan told them.

“I don’t know how I feel about it yet. Kind of miss the dirt, sand, heat, and worrying about getting my head shot off every few minutes.”

Michael chuckled and handed him a bottle of beer.

“Well that worrying is over. This should be the best years of your life. You deserve to relax a little and enjoy the peace and quiet,” Chad offered.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work. I’ll talk to you two later,” Alexa said then quickly gave Chad and Michael a kiss before she walked away.

“That is one fine-looking woman you two landed,” Colton told his two friends.

“Yeah, what the hell is she doing with you two psychos?” Evan added.

“We’re the psychos? You two are the psychos and especially you, Colton. I’ve often wondered if you even have a heart,” Michael said.

Colton gave Michael his mean stare, and Michael looked at Chad and then Evan before glancing back at Colton.

“Maybe I don’t have a heart,” Colton stated very seriously.

“Maybe you should find yours,” Michael challenged and then Evan and Chad started laughing.

“Nothing like watching these two mess with one another,” Evan said.

“I kind of missed that mean streak of Colton’s. You know, never knowing if I said something to piss him off enough for him to slit my throat during the night in the middle of the desert,” Chad added and Evan laughed.

“He was always known as a scary hard-ass, but he was your commander a few times during your tours, Michael,” Evan added.

Colton took a sip of his beer and watched Michael over the top of the bottle.

“I suppose I owe him for saving my ass and keeping me safe.”

“That’s right,” Colton replied, and they all started laughing.

“To kicking ass and spitting out sand.” Chad raised his beer up, and the others tapped theirs to it.

Colton took a slug of beer then glanced around at the dance hall. It was a really nice place and as the night went on, he met other retired soldiers and men who were part of the Delite Warriors. He didn’t own a motorcycle yet, but getting one might be a necessity by the way the men talked about riding. After spending most of his time alone, when his brother wasn’t around and stuck on a tour of duty in the Middle East, he’d had a lot of time to think. It made him a quiet man and a man who didn’t mind being alone. He caught sight of Ava again and his heart pounded inside of his chest when she approached. He wondered if she was coming over to talk, but then she bypassed him to speak to one of the bartenders. He was disappointed and that was a definite first for him. He glanced at Evan, and damn it, his brother had seen the whole thing.

“She’s stunning.”


“Ava, the Dixie Chix,” Evan said to him.

“Oh, yeah, she is.” Colton took another slug of beer.

“You know, I haven’t really looked at another woman since Chelsea. But that Ava sure did snag every bit of my attention. I don’t think I’ve ever had that feeling before.”

“That’s a big step for you, Evan. You were hung up on Chelsea.”

Evan looked down at the ground then took another slug of beer, but it seemed as if the taste was bad, as Evan crunched up his nose.

“I was willing to do the right thing. I would have made a good father and a husband.”

“I know that, but the baby wasn’t yours and neither was Chelsea. If she hadn’t gotten into that car accident, you might have never found out the truth about the affair or the kid’s real father.”

“I know. Let’s not talk about it. I’m not fixing to open up my heart for pain again. I’m focusing on the ranch and our new life here in Delite.”

“Cheers to that, brother.” Colton knocked beer bottles with his brother.