“You know third date means we can move a little faster?” Evan teased.

“Oh really? Like how fast?”

“Some clothing might be removed.”

She blushed and shook her head.

“Breakfast might be served,” Colton added then winked at her as she got into her car looking a real desirable shade of red.

Colton’s favorite color.

* * * *

Ava sat on the couch in the living room at home. Susanna, Elise, Alexa, Juliet, and Paula joined her. She felt as if she were numb with so many emotions.

“I can’t help but feel impatient about tomorrow’s surgery, yet hesitant because of the results that will be revealed,” Ava whispered as she looked at each of her friends.

“That’s understandable, Ava. But, you’ve done such a good job with each step you’ve taken so far. You’re so strong,” Susanna told her.

“Strong? You think I’m strong? No way. I’m scared out of my mind right now. I can’t help but think about dying, about never getting to fall in love again, about not being able to have more good times with all of you.”

“You can’t think like that, Ava. Please don’t say such things,” Juliet said as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Elise wrapped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her.

“I’m sorry, but I just can’t help it. What if the surgery doesn’t remove it all? What if I need chemo and lose my hair, and get sick and can’t work, or what if none of that even helps to kill the cancer? Then what? I’m twenty-seven years old and it’s just not fair that I have to lose more than I already have.” The tears rolled down Ava’s cheeks and Susanna pulled her into a hug.

“You can’t think like that, Ava. You’re too strong and too determined to let something like this break you down. Think positive. I was there with you and Dr. Nickles. You got to him early enough. The surgery is going to work.”

“It has to, Ava. We need you,” Paula whispered.

“I love you guys. No matter what happens and no matter how much time we have left together, having you Dixie Chix in my life gave me reason to live and keep fighting.”

“Then don’t stop now, honey. We love you, too, and tomorrow, we’ll be here waiting for you and Susanna to get home and we’re going to take good care of you,” Paula said.

“We’re Dixie Chix and Dixie Chix never back down,” Juliet stated firmly and they all smiled wide.

Ava sat back and absorbed the fact that all of her friends were here with her. This was her family and they were her reason for fighting.

* * * *

Later in the evening when Ava was lying in bed she couldn’t help the scattered thoughts running through her head.

She couldn’t stop thinking about Evan and Colton. They were good men and they had their own troubled pasts and broken hearts. So badly she wanted to be with them, to spend more time with them instead of dealing with this. As she forced herself to close her eyes and try to get some rest, she saw both Colton and Evan in her mind and relished in the fact that they were so handsome and strong and that they were interested in her. When they spoke about the future and about waking up with her in their bed, so badly she wanted to jump into that fantasy with them and be that perfect woman to care for them and show them love. She felt the tinge of guilt for lying to them.

But how could she explain? It wouldn’t be fair to place her burden on them when their relationship was new and young.

She couldn’t think about a future, not until she was certain she actually had one.

Ava took a deep breath and did something she hadn’t done in ages. She prayed.

God, send me some guardian angels. Help me to get through this. I need all the help I can get.

Chapter 6

Ava slowly opened her eyes at the sound of someone’s voice. She blinked a couple of times as a woman wearing a medical coat covered in smiley faces smiled at her.

“That’s it, Ava. You did really well. The surgery is over, and Dr. Nickles will be in momentarily. How do you feel?” she asked.

Ava felt as if she were in a fog. It was as if she’d had the best sleep of her life, and waking up was difficult.