Colton didn’t like talking about that time in their lives. They were dealt a shitty hand. He placed his hand on Ava’s leg then gently pushed a strand of hair off her shoulder.

“The military saved us from winding up just like the old man. We’d never treat a woman of ours like he treated our mom,” Colton whispered as he gently tilted her chin toward him.

He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. She tasted so sweet, it was nearly too delicious to stop. She reached up and caressed his cheek, the feel of her dainty fingers against his skin making his cock hard.

He reached over and pulled her onto his lap as if she were light as a feather. Then her hands covered his shoulders, and the need to feel more of her overpowered his promise to take things slow. He moved his hands under her shirt and instantly felt the heat of her skin and the curve of her hips. He deepened the kiss, and he moaned into her mouth, loving the feel of her on his lap, in his arms, belonging to him. Evan must have touched her, too, because she tensed then pressed her ass slightly back.

“I’ve been wanting to touch this ass all day. You sure can fill out a pair of jeans, Ava,” Evan said and Colton’s heart beat faster. He was so aroused knowing that he would share Ava one day with Evan. They would be one and provide her with everything. She had battle wounds, just like Evan and him. At the moment, Colton felt as if their connection could heal their wounds forever.

Colton caressed her back, over the soft fabric of her bra then toward her breast opposite of the one that was bruised. The thought that she had injured herself like that at work bothered him. But as he brushed his thumb across her other nipple, she arched deeper against his fingers and hand. He applied more pressure to her breast, pinching the nipple over the fabric before cupping one mound best he could. She pulled from his lips, and he continued to lick, suck, and nibble against her skin and neck.

“Oh God, Colton, you have to slow down.”

He gripped her hips and gave a squeeze before he locked gazes with her. Ava’s olive eyes were glistening with passion, but something else, too. She appeared so fragile and innocent, or maybe it was her youthfulness, he wasn’t certain. “How old are you?” he asked.

She pulled her shirt farther down and leaned a little back from him as she gained some composure. I

f she felt anything like he did, she would be horny and hungry for the remainder of the day and night.

“Twenty-seven. Why?”

He pressed his palm against her cheek “You’re lovely and your eyes are gorgeous.”

She turned her head to lay a kiss to his palm when Evan touched her other cheek, making her turn toward him.

“I need to taste those lips of yours, too.” He leaned forward, placed his hand behind her head, and kissed Ava deeply. She remained on Colton’s lap, which only intensified the hunger growing inside Colton’s body. He felt wild with need to possess her and tell the world that she belonged to him and Evan. It was insanity.

As Evan released her lips, his brother smiled.

“Taking things slow is going to be torture,” he admitted to her, and Colton agreed as Ava placed a hand on each of their cheeks.

“I need this to go slow. I had a wonderful time today. Thank you for inviting me.”

Evan rubbed his hand along her back and hip. “Want to do it again tomorrow?” he asked.

Her eyes widened, and an expression of fear or shock crossed her face then disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. “Girls’ day out at the spa in Dallas tomorrow. Sorry.”

“Oh, well you can’t miss that.” Evan grabbed her hand and looked at her nails. “Going to get your nails done pink this time?” he asked.

“I was thinking purple.”

“What?” both Colton and Evan asked.

She chuckled.

“Just teasing. I bet you didn’t know I have a wild side.”

“I’d like to see that.” Colton thrust his hips upward, making her blush.

“I bet you would.”

She got up off his lap and reached her hand out to him and her other out to Evan. “Come on, walk me to my car. I need to take a long cold shower before I get ready for work tonight.”

Colton and Evan both placed a hand on her hips and held her still. Colton stared into her eyes as she smiled. Her perfume encased his body and his mind. Her beauty was imprinted on his soul.

“We’ll make plans for the third date, huh?” he asked.

“I’d like that,” she told him as they each held a hand and walked her out to her car.