Evan turned to her and placed his fingers under her chin to tilt her face up toward his. His eyes sparkled, his lips looked firm and masculine, and she wondered how they would feel against her lips, her skin? Oh God.

“When I think of friends, I think of hanging out casually, having some fun, and maybe stealing a touch or a hug at the end of the night. None of that comes to mind when I look at you. I want intimacy, Ava, and I want to explore these powerful feelings running rampant through me right now. Tell me you feel it, too. Tell me this is the start of something amazing.”

Before she could respond, he brushed his lips against hers, ever so softly. It was sensual, stimulating. His lips brushed against hers again and again, before he kissed her fully and deeply on the mouth. She laid her hand against his cheek, confirming how firm and muscular his jaw was, and then he slid his tongue deeper, exploring her mouth and kissing her with gusto.

So she did some exploring of her own. She caressed her fingers through his wavy, shoulder-length hair. She had imagined doing that and wondered how it might feel. It was soft, yet thick and masculine, like Evan. When she felt Colton’s mouth against her shoulder, she tightened up, surprised at his public display of affection. Evan released her lips then brushed his finger down her cheek as he smiled at her. “So good, Ava. You taste incredible.”

She leaned back against the bench as Evan and Colton told her about their ranch and their plans for riding next weekend.

“You should come with us. You ride, don’t you?” Colton asked her. Reality was beginning to set in. As nice as this was, she needed to slow things down. She couldn’t make plans for a future she wasn’t sure she had. The thought froze the moment in her mind. She needed the results and the confirmation of the doctor to say she was free and clear of cancer before she moved on and explored this part of her life.

“I have a busy schedule next week. I’ll let you know, though. Perhaps the following week might work better for me.” As she said the words, she couldn’t help the pessimistic thoughts running rampant through her mind. Thursday, she would know how much of a future she had left. She swallowed the emotions she felt and focused on the sounds of Colton’s and Evan’s voices and the feel of their hands caressing her.

She was content and damn it, attracted to both men, like nothing she ever felt before. As she sat there, she silently prayed. For help, for survival, for love, and maybe even those special angels that others had spoken of before. Anything, to allow her to explore this attraction to two very special soldiers.

* * * *

“I lied to both of you about where I went with Ava the other day,” Susanna said. She finished buttoning her blouse as Monte and BJ got dressed. They had just made love in the late morning, and Monte and BJ needed to get back to work. BJ placed his gun belt on and adjusted it on his waist.

“What do you mean, you lied?” He placed one hand on his holster and one on his hip as he stared at her.

Monte came up from behind and squeezed her shoulders before moving in front of her near BJ. Now they were both facing her.

“We didn’t go shopping,” Susanna said then lowered her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Baby, talk to us. What’s going on?” Monte asked.

“I went to the doctor with Ava.” She explained the situation.

“Oh sweet Jesus, Ava must be scared out of her mind,” BJ said, and Susanna nodded her head.

“I feel so bad and I’m just so scared. I needed to tell you guys, but you have to promise not to say anything to Sally. Ava doesn’t want her to worry.”

“We promise. What can we do to help?” Monte asked.

“Nothing right now. The operation is Thursday. I’m going with her, and I’ll stay there until she gets out, so she’s not alone. Ava was going to try and do this on her own.”

“Why, when she has all of you and all of us to be there for her?” Monte asked.

“She was married for two months and lost her husband to te

rminal brain cancer. He was in the Army,” Susanna explained.

“That’s terrible.” BJ caressed her arm. Monte took her hand and squeezed it as Susanna cried.

“She was pregnant, too.”

“What?” Monte asked.

“She lost the baby at four months. She lost so much. It just isn’t fair that this has to happen to her. Then on top of that, Evan Banks asked her out. She’s on a date with him right now,” Susanna said.

“She’s on a date with both of them.” BJ winked at her. That man always knew what was happening in his town.

“It took some convincing to get her to go. She’s really down.”

“That’s understandable. Colton and Evan used to live outside of town on a big piece of land. I heard some of the old-timers talking about them and how proud they are that Colton and Evan turned out so well. Apparently there was some bad times happening in their family. Their dad abused alcohol and their mom was very sick. I didn’t get all the details,” BJ told her.

“Are their parents still alive?” Monte asked.