“Are you kidding me? He was like totally checking you out all night on Friday. I saw him. That man wants you and so does his brother,” Juliet said.

“I doubt that and to be honest, I don’t think right now is a good time to start a relationship. My heart won’t be in it. I need to get this operation out of the way and see what the next step is. I might need chemo, you know.” Ava leaned back against the couch.

“Evan doesn’t need to know what’s going on. It will be a nice distraction for you, too. He seems very nice,” Elise said.

“I guess so. I’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow. Anyway, I’m glad that I have your support in this, but I don’t want you to ponder over it. I’ll handle it and I promise if I need an ear or a shoulder, I’ll come get one of you.”

“Sure you will,” Paula teased and they all laughed.

* * * *

Late Tuesday morning, Ava headed into town to get the supplies she needed before meeting Evan at Delite Café and Diner. When she saw him standing there outside of the diner looking handsome and a bit nervous, she couldn’t hide the smile that reached her heart. She’d had the heaviness of concern weighing on her for days now. Maybe Susanna and her friends were right, and she needed a little distraction.

His eyes lit up when he saw her, and immediately he was walking

toward her.

“Hi,” he greeted her then pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the cheek.

“You look so beautiful. I was wondering if you were going to show.”

“Thank you. Of course I came. You invited me, and well, I haven’t eaten yet,” she teased.

“Oh, so I guess I’m good for a meal, huh?”

“Maybe. We’ll see,” she stated with a smile and they headed toward the door.

“Colton grabbed a table for us. Is that okay?”

“Colton is here, too?”

He winked at her.

“I talked him into coming. He’s more of a loner, you know. He likes to keep to himself.”

As they entered the diner, she spotted Colton immediately. Some brunette was speaking with him and he had his arms crossed in front of his massive chest. Ava didn’t like the uneasy and jealous feeling that she had. Who was the brunette? Was she joining them, too? But then she spotted Colton looking past the brunette and straight to her. He uncrossed his arms and stood up. He said something to the brunette, and she turned to follow his line of sight. When she looked at Ava, she appeared shocked and angry.

“Your loss,” she blurted out and bumped by Ava, knocking into her side, causing a sharp pain to hit Ava’s breast. She took a deep breath as the tears hit her eyes, and when she looked at Colton, he appeared concerned.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. An unhappy ex?” She ignored the discomfort and took a seat at the table for three.

“Not my ex. I don’t date.” She glanced at him to find him staring at her. She raised her eyebrows at him in challenge and he squinted his back at her before taking a seat.

“Well, now that the trash is gone, we can focus on the finer things.”

Both Ava and Colton looked at Evan.

“What? Let’s look over the menu and order,” Evan suggested, and the waitress approached.

Ava wondered if this was a good idea.

* * * *

Colton was starting to think that allowing Evan to talk him into coming along wasn’t the best idea. Neither was their long conversation about ménage relationships and sharing a woman in order to provide her with everything she might need, including the love of two men. He wasn’t even sure he liked her. He knew damn well that his body instantly reacted to her beauty. Right now he was sporting a mighty hard cock in the confines of what were supposed to be loose-fitting Wranglers.

He adjusted his body in the small seat and looked over the menu. Her perfume was enticing, like the rest of her. If he had to guess, he’d say it was floral with a tint of fruitiness. It reminded him of spring. She wore a pretty white blouse with a white camisole underneath that was trimmed in white lace. She wore a plain, tan skirt that hit the tops of her knees and matching tan heeled sandals. She was classy and sophisticated but not stuck-up. At least she didn’t show her true colors yet, as far as he had noticed.