“I guess.”

“Served in the war, didn’t you?”


She nodded in understanding.

“It’s not an easy life, but defending this country is something to be proud of.”

He appeared shocked by her comment.

“What do you know about it?” he asked. She was tempted to tell him that her husband was in the service before he was diagnosed. But that would lead to more questions. Questions she wasn’t exactly in a strong emotional state to deal with.

“I know people. Good friends, who served. Sometimes the scars are more mental and emotional than physical. A lot of guys tend to be quiet and keep to themselves.”

“You have a point. But, I’ve always been quiet. I’m an observer.”

She gave him a smile as he gave her a serious expression.

“Oh really? Well what have you observed thus far?” she challenged, turning her barstool so she could look him right back into his eyes.

She wasn’t expecting him to look her body over and have such a powerful effect on her. She swallowed hard. Why are my breasts tingling and other parts immediately aroused?

“You’re very caring and in tune to people. You like to help but not accept help in return. You’re also favoring your right side, by your…well, your right side.”

She was shocked. Had he noticed her bandage? What the hell?

She got down off of the stool.

“Well, it’s been nice, but I’m tired. Another long night tomorrow and I should be wrapping things up. It was nice talking with both of you.”

Colton grabbed her hand.

She paused and stared at him, suddenly feeling tongue-tied and dry.

“You okay?” he asked. She felt the tears reach her eyes, which only seemed to make his concern grow. She swallowed hard and nodded her head.

“I’m a big girl, remember?” She winked in hopes of coming off as confident and perhaps flirty to minimize the intensity of this crazy conversation, but Colton remained holding her hand.

“You have a lot of good friends around you. I’m certain you all stick together like glue.” He released her hand.

She nodded in response. Was he some sort of mind reader, too?

“Good night, Ava.”

“Good night, Colton.”

She turned toward Evan, who appeared just as interested in her right side as Colton. She swallowed hard.

“I’ll see you on Tuesday afternoon.” He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek, but his lips lingered there a moment. She closed her eyes and relished the feeling of being held by a man, even if it were just a gentle kiss to her cheek and a hand on her waist.

“Good night.” She got out of there quickly but not before noticing the smile on Susanna’s face. Nothing would happen between her, Evan, and Colton. Her destiny relied on a bunch of tests being analyzed by a load of pathologists.

Chapter 5

Susanna sat in the waiting room at the doctor’s office with Ava. She could tell that Ava was way nervous, and she felt her anxiety. As Susanna’s phone vibrated again, she rolled her eyes, annoyed at Monte and BJ for bothering her. She told them that she had somewhere to go and would be back by lunchtime. They of course asked numerous questions and wanted to know where she was. She never went off without telling them where she was going, so it was a given that she was being secretive. But, she promised Ava that she would keep her secret for now.

“You should text them and tell them that you’re with me at the doctor’s. Just tell them we’re going shopping afterward,” Ava whispered as she stared at her then at the cell phone.