way past the guys and jumped into Mason’s arms, hugging and kissing him. Steven caressed her back and the whistles, hoots, and hollers surrounded them.

“Hot damn, woman, you sure can sing. You shocked the heck out of me,” Steven said as Mason passed her to him after she had kissed Mason thoroughly.

“I knew she would be. I can’t believe you didn’t tell us that you were going to do this,” Mason told her, and he seemed kind of insulted. She went on to tell him about what happened to Billy and how she wound up onstage.

Steven placed her feet back on the ground and they walked together toward the bar where Alexa was serving and where Chad, Michael, BJ, Monte, Virgo, and Dale were leaning against the bar.

Mason kept his arm wrapped around her waist and the palm of his hand over her belly that was slightly exposed in the shorter red camisole she wore.

“You are amazing,” Virgo told her as he and Dale looked her over. Then he opened his arms for her to hug him.

She did, but she wondered if Mason and Steven were getting angry. She knew they didn’t like it when Virgo hugged her, even though it didn’t mean anything.

He released her then shook Steven’s and Mason’s hands one after the other.

“You two are very lucky men. She’s a keeper,” Virgo told them.

Mason wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tight so her back was against his chest.

He whispered against her ear as everyone around them settled down.

Her heart was still racing and she felt like she could run a marathon she was so energetic and charged up.

“Did you have to wear something so damn sexy? I can see too much skin and this body is mine and Steven’s,” he whispered then nibbled on her earlobe. She covered his hand with her own then turned her head and tilted it up toward him so she could look at him.

“It was my wardrobe crew’s idea.”

He raised his eyebrows at her and gave a stern expression. She felt Steven place his fingers under her chin, and she turned to look at him.

“We’ll discuss the outfit at home. Can you leave now?”

“Now? Absolutely not. I am so excited right now. I want to absorb every second of this. I’ve waited so long to get up on a stage and sing.”

Steven smiled then gave her a quick kiss on her mouth.

“Then we’ll stay. You just got us both so revved up, we can’t wait to make love to you.”

She felt her cheeks blush. Sally felt it, too. Someway, somehow, making love to them tonight was going to be even more incredible. She just knew it.

* * * *

It was nearly three in the morning when Mason, Steven, and Sally entered their house. The dogs were happy to greet them and Mason watched as Sally sat on the floor and pet the Rottweilers. She had come so far, her fears overpowered by her will to defeat the ghosts of her past and the barriers that had long stood in the way of her freedom to live. His chest tightened in admiration for his woman. Their woman, who had become everything to them.

Steven called to the dogs to let them out to do their business as Sally stood up and twirled around in a circle. Mason wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She laughed as she held on to his shoulders and stared up into his eyes.

“I love you, Mason.”

“I love you, too.”

He leaned down and kissed her. He took his time despite the fact that he longed to be inside of her and to hold her close. He caressed along her back to her rear and squeezed her to him. His cock was hard, and the more she moaned into his mouth the deeper the kiss grew.

“So, about this choice of wardrobe tonight? I suggest a little something less revealing. Do you think you could talk to your wardrobe committee about it?” he asked as he pulled her into his arms and moved his hand down her thigh then up and under her skirt.

“I will. It wasn’t my idea and I was just so nervous. But it all worked out, didn’t it?” she asked as he squeezed her ass and she smiled wide at him.

“It sure did.”

He heard the back door close and the dogs reenter the room. Steven commanded them to go to their place for the evening and Mason lifted Sally up into his arms as she straddled his waist.