“That was really good.”

He couldn’t release her. She felt right in his arms, but he could feel her trying to distance herself from what had just happened.

He lowered her feet to the ground. She tried to step away, and he held her hand. When she turned to go in the opposite direction, Carl was there. Richie released her hand as Carl pulled her into his arms.

He cupped one of her cheeks, making her look up toward him.

“Please don’t run from this. Take a chance, Juliet. We promise to go as slow as you need.” Before she could respond, Carl kissed her, too.

Chapter 3

“Okay, spill the beans,” Alexa stated as she leaned against the bar where Juliet was mixing some drinks. They had a light crowd tonight.

Juliet looked up at her friend then walked down the bar a ways to give the two drinks to a husband and wife sitting there. She walked back over toward Alexa.

“What’s up?” she asked Alexa.

“Oh, don’t even try it. You were asking a lot of questions when I was interested in Chad and Michael.”

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” Juliet replied. She looked past Alexa and around the dance floor. In the distance, she could see Richie leaning against one of the columns, talking with G-Force.

Alexa turned to see where Juliet was looking.

“Okay, I know I don’t know shit about your past, Juliet, but I still think a fair warning is due here.” Alexa’s words caught her attention.

“What are you talking about?”

“I hid a lot about my past, too. Shit, Juliet, we still don’t know anything about Elise’s past, or Ava’s for that matter. The point is we’re in this together. We’ve landed in a great town where most of the men are good, reliable men. They protect the women of Delite, and I like that best of all.”

Juliet busied herself by wiping down the counter.

“I thought you mentioned a warning.”

“I did. You can fight your attraction to Carl and Richie all you like. It won’t matter. The way the three of you look at one another when the others aren’t watching is incredible. I’ve seen that look in Chad’s and Michael’s eyes. Carl and Richie want you. They’re ex-military with secret backgrounds and all the sexy, mysterious things that truly light any sane woman’s fire. But, I hear you at night, Juliet.” Alexa lowered her head and swallowed hard. Juliet instantly felt sick to her stomach. She had picked the room in the farthest location from everyone else for that reason. She didn’t want them to worry.


“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Not that Susanna and Ava don’t already know. They’re like two mother hens, and neither of them are old enough to fall under that description.” Alexa chuckled. She covered Juliet’s hand with her own.

“If something really bad happened in your past that’s keeping you from opening up your heart to dating, maybe it’s time you told someone.”

Juliet pulled her hand away and shook her head. She wouldn’t tell them that she killed Danny. She wouldn’t tell them about him.

“Okay, don’t freak out. I’m just speaking from recent experience here. Chad and Michael have helped me heal in so many ways, Juliet. I thought saying the words out loud and describing, remembering what terrible things Sally and I went through would make them dislike me or feel disgusted with me, but instead they vowed to heal me. Every day is a new step in the right direction. You deserve that, too, Juliet. We all do.”

Juliet held her gaze as her words sunk in. She was happy for Alexa, just like she was happy for Susanna and Paula, too. But her reservations were justified.

“Hey, baby doll,” Chad stated as he came up behind Alexa and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He kissed her numerous times on the neck, and Alexa chuckled.

“Hi, Juliet.” He took a seat next to Alexa and pulled Alexa onto his lap.

“There. This is much better.”

“Hey, I am working, you know,” Alexa teased.

“Well from across the room, it appears like you’re sitting at the bar alone waiting for some cowboy to mosey on up and flirt with you, maybe buy you a drink and seduce you into bed.” He nuzzled next to her neck. Alexa held him close.

“Ohh, sounds like fun. Don’t you think, Juliet?” Alexa asked, and she and Chad looked at Juliet.