“I have to leave, Richie. It’s the way it must be. I warned you both.” She started to walk away when Carl placed his hand on her waist.

“I know you’re scared. I know he scared you, but you can trust us, Juliet. Please trust us.”

“That bastard is not going to touch you ever again. I saw what he did to you. I saw the fear in your eyes and the control he had over you, Juliet. You’re going to explain the situation, and we are going to protect you.”

She shook her head as she cried and gripped his shoulders in an attempt to push away.

“You can’t protect me. You can’t save me from these men.”

“Men?” Carl asked.

She shook her head.

“Juliet.” Richie raised his voice from behind her. He embraced her, too, and she was sandwiched between the two massive male bodies.

Richie pushed her hair aside and whispered against her ear and neck.

“I’m going to tell you a secret. One that no one knows, and I expect you to keep it a secret.”

His voice was soft, yet commanding and intense. She felt it in every ounce of her being. She was shaking.

“Ever hear of Special Forces, Green Berets, Commandos?” He kissed her neck and caressed her body as Carl held her tight.

“Carl and I have done things beyond those positions. Maybe even things we shouldn’t ever talk about, relive, or find justification in, but we did it for our country, to protect

Americans and our national security. If our resources, training, and skills are needed to protect you and keep you safe, then by damn, woman. We. Will. Use. Them.”

Chapter 7

Richie and Carl joined Monte and BJ in the surveillance room. They were playing back the tape of when Robert noticed Juliet and then proceeded to make her sit with him. He could see plainly how frightened she was. She was shaking in the seat, gripping the table as that fucking dirtbag touched her.

He banged his fist down on the table.

“Calm down, Richie. I know you and Carl are pissed off, but we need to be smart here. Monte pulled up some info on this guy,” BJ stated.

“I should have had him followed,” Carl added.

“We took care of that,” Monte stated, straight faced as he typed away on the computer and brought up a series of images to the main five screens in front of them.

One contained a full picture of the man.

“Mason and Chad are on top of this guy. They followed him out of the club and to their hotel in Cellar County. His three guards are staying there, too,” Monte stated.

“He’s a cocky bastard, or he already knows where Juliet lives,” Carl added.

“That may be, but we’ll have the women’s house covered. BJ already sent over some people,” Monte offered.

“Who is this guy? What could he possibly have on Juliet to make her so scared and to allow him to control her?” Richie asked.

“I think we’re going to have to sit down and get the full story from her. But right now, working with what little information we’ve got, I pulled up everything I could on this Robert Sinclair. Here we go,” Monte stated then they looked over the material.

“He has a fucking rap sheet and a half.” Carl rubbed his chin. Richie looked at him. They were both worried.

“He’s been arrested numerous times for questioning for various murders and missing people,” BJ read from the file.

“Juliet mentioned that this guy was capable of killing, that he had done it before,” Richie whispered.

“She also mentioned about getting one man she loved killed,” Carl added. BJ and Monte exchanged glances.