Juliet swatted at Alexa as Alexa laughed.

“Okay, so no sex yet, but come on, admit it. You are totally turned on by their psycho, Alpha male dominance and their fine, physically fit bodies, ain’t ya?”

Juliet turned to look toward Carl and Richie. They were mighty-fine-looking men. Richie was a hothead, and Carl seemed the one to always cool him down.

“I guess I am, but that still doesn’t mean I’m ready to date them or have sex with them or get involved in this fast-paced process. I’m scared, Alexa.”


Juliet was quiet a moment.

“I can’t talk about it, and that’s part of the problem. It hurts too much to even think about it.”

Alexa hugged her shoulders. Juliet looked up and saw that both Richie and Carl had seen her. They looked concerned.

“Let’s get this over with so I can go back home and rest before tonight.”

“It’s going to be a good one. Susanna said both nights the private tables are booked with guests. You’re going to have your hands full.”

“I know.”

Juliet turned back to look at Richie and Carl. If only she could leave the past where it belonged, then maybe she could take a chance with them. The problem was she couldn’t until she knew for certain that the man who’d destroyed her life wasn’t still out there. What if he was still looking for her? His obsession was extreme, and thoughts of his attempts to claim her wrecked any chances of a good night’s sleep. He was always there, in her mind, with a hold on her freedom and a power so strong she feared ever facing him again, even in her nightmares.

As Juliet set up the tents with the others, she thought about Pierce Mellbrook. A multimillionaire and then some by now, he was the epitome of selfishness, deceit, and criminal. A murderer, a sexist, and a rapist. He’d wanted her since he married Juliet’s aunt when Juliet was fifteen. She had gained sole custody of Juliet when Juliet’s mother died. She even made Juliet call her “mother.” Pierce always seemed to locate Juliet in the house. No matter where she was or what she was doing, he would find her, talk with her, and caress her hair. He paid special attention to her, and when she told her mother that it freaked her out, her mom smacked her across the face. She would never forget the feelings she had. The hatred toward her mother, toward Pierce and the things he attempted to do to her.

Juliet continued to help by carrying boxes over to the tents and storing them. She was unpacking one package when the images invaded her mind. She wished she had never started thinking about this. Tonight her dreams would turn to nightmares.

She felt his breath upon her shoulder. The hint of tobacco, the scent of his cologne so pungent. She feared his ability to intimidate her with his size and his power. The energy of his evil permeated all her defenses and weakened her until she became scared, compliant in his possession. His hands were big, too big, and demanding as he slid them up and down her arms and let his thumbs graze her breasts. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t have it. She felt so sick, disgusted, and filled with hatred for the man. But whom did she have to turn to? No one. She was alone in a world dominated by Pierce Mellbrook. There would be no fighting his claims, his need to control, own, conquer, and humiliate everything he touched. Robert Sinclair, his enforcer, did a lot of Pierce’s dirty work. Robert had a lust for blood, brutality, and murder. He was a sick bastard, and after witnessing his capabilities firsthand, Juliet feared him as much if not more than Pierce.

Pierce was the boss. He was a master at control and business, and when he wanted something, he got it, and she knew that he wanted her.

You are so beautiful, Juliana. So sweet and innocent. I want you to remain pure for me. Do not have sex with any of those silly pimple-nosed boys who have been sniffing around. If I find out one of them touched you, you’ll both be sorry.

She felt sick to her stomach, even now as she thought about him. That was a warning. It had been the first of near dozens until he had found out about Danny.

The tears stung her eyes.

I will kill any boy or man who stands in my way. Remember that, Juliana.

“Hey, are you all right?” Susanna asked, and Juliet looked up to see Susanna staring at her with a puzzled expression.

Juliet shook her head. “No, Susanna. I’m not okay. I need to go.”

* * * *

She headed into the parking lot, pulling out her cell phone she scanned down until she found Alexa’s number. Her hands were shaking. She felt the tears coming, the need to be alone and lock herself in the memories of her past.


She spun around, looked up, and saw Carl. She took a step back, and he reached for her. Closing her eyes, she tried to deny his touch, the feel of his masculine body, and the way it felt in his arms. She couldn’t give in to the sensations.

“Baby, talk to me. I’m worried ’bout you,” he whispered, pulling her against him and hugging her.

She took a deep breath. The smell of his cologne combined with fabric softener had her inhaling again. Her eyes stung, and her stomach ached. She clutched his shirt in her fists and tried to push away from him.

“Juliet, what is it, baby? What’s wrong? I want to know. I need to know why you’re pushing us away.”

“I can’t do this, Carl. I can’t get involved with either of you.”