The Dixie Chix sucked it up, got up early, and arrived at the Delite firehouse to help set up for their spring fundraising fair. Richie and Carl smiled as they saw Juliet carrying a box of items from Susanna’s car.

Two firefighters smiled down at her and took the box. The one guy, Evan, placed the box on his hip and started talking with her. Juliet shyly looked down. Whatever the asshole was saying to her made Juliet blush.

“Holy shit, she looks so good,” Carl whispered to Richie. Richie absorbed her attire. Her long red hair was tied into two separate ponytails then braided. She wore a camisole with a blue-checkered blouse, buttons undone, and hip huggers that were so low he could see her hip bones, and the material was tight against her curvy hips.

She turned in their direction as if trying to get away from the two men flirting with her when she locked gazes with Richie.

In a rather macho manner, Richie nodded his head to her then indicated for her to come to them.

“Is she wearing a fucking belly ring?” he asked Carl, and Carl took another look.

Juliet was heading toward Richie and Carl. She looked nervous, and his gut clenched. He hoped that she didn’t regret last night. He wanted to get this fair set up then take her back to their place before work this evening. He had it all planned out in his head. The way she would look naked, spread out for him and Carl to enjoy. He imagined her angelic face when she climaxed. He had little sleep last night just thinking about her.

“Hi,” she stated as she walked closer then stopped a safe distance in front of them.

“Hey, sweetness,” Carl replied then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. She shyly turned away.

“Come here,” Richie stated firmly. She glanced around them as if she were afraid someone might see her kiss him hello. That shit was coming to an end right now.

He stepped toward her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and hoisted her up against his chest. She was so petite compared to him that the palm of his hand expanded across most of her ass. He immediately felt skin and knew her jeans were skimpy.

“Start spreading the news, baby, you’re our woman.” He covered her mouth with a kiss so deep he needed Carl to remind him that they were in public. He slowly released her and set her feet back down on the ground. She looked up at him with fire in her eyes. Her lips were full and wet, and he stared at her with a stern expression and a smile hidden beneath that.

* * * *


uliet stomped her foot and placed her hands on her hips. The motion made her breasts bounce, but she didn’t care.

“Richie, you shouldn’t have done that. I told you that I’m not ready for this. I need time.”

Carl moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He began to massage them as he pulled her back against him.

“Calm down, Juliet. He just got a bit jealous when those guys were flirting with you. He’s very possessive.”

“And you’re not, bro? Tell the woman the truth.” Richie placed his fingers under her chin and held it firmly.

“You better get used to this. I don’t play games, and I don’t mess around.”

“Hey, Rich, quit flirting with Juliet and get your ass over here and help us,” Chad yelled. Juliet looked over and saw Matt, Michael, Tyler, and Chad trying to lift some heavy speakers onto a makeshift stage.

“Go,” she told them when both men looked at her as if afraid to leave her side.

“That went well, huh?” Alexa asked as she joined her.

“Do you believe that he just did that? I mean I told them last night and the night before that and the day before that, I need some time. I’m not ready for this type of instant relationship. I need to ease into transition, or I freak. I get all tongue-tied and confused by them. They’re too much to handle. I just can’t face this yet.”

Alexa pulled her into her arms.

“Take a deep breath and don’t cry. Be strong, will ya? It will work out. Just be firm and let them know you need the time. If they push, then you push right back.”

“Are you forgetting who they are, Alexa? Look at them. They’re huge, and I’m not.”

“They won’t hurt you, Juliet. As a matter of fact, while I was sleeping over at Tyler and Matt’s place, they told me some things about Carl and Richie. They had a tough childhood. Grew up with an abusive father and their mother ran off and left them. When they were old enough to join the military, they took off together. They remained active until we opened Dixie Chix and Susanna hired them. It’s taken them nearly two years to let you know they want you. I say they’re pretty new at this relationship thing.”

“They act like pros. This is not, by far, a normal relationship, Alexa. Two men and one woman. Again, not even average men but totally complicated, psycho, Alpha male men, who feel that dominance and control are the way to a woman’s heart.”

“Well to their pussy anyway. Which does make for great sex by the way.”