We’d been so busy, we hadn’t heard the car pull up. Cam grinned at the cop and all I could think is what he would do if we were asked to put our hands up.

Cam’s were already under my shirt and molded to my breast. If he raised them, I would flash the cop.

The police officer signaled for Cam to roll the window down.

“Sorry officer,” Cam said. “We came back to relive old times.”

I rolled my eyes. Cam and I had never really been a thing in high school. That didn’t happen until much later.

“Yes, but this isn’t a hotel.” Then the cop’s voice changed. “Hey, your Cameron McCabe.”

My husband smirked. “I am.”

“And that’s your wife,” he said pointing at me.

I nodded and was happy he hadn’t aimed the flashlight in the dark car. We were still naked from the waist down.

“Gosh, this sucks. I’m have to write you up for public indecency.”

“Can you cut us a break. This is our honeymoon.”

The office glanced at me and I bobbed my head. “There’s no time for a real one with the season and all.”

The cop sighed. “Okay, I’ll give you a pass.”

“Thanks,” Cam said. “Hey, why don’t I get you a couple of tickets to a game of your choosing.”

The man beamed. “Really?”

Cam nodded. It wasn’t a bribe because the cop had given us an out before he offered.

He gave Cam his contact information before warning us to leave so we wouldn’t get caught by another patrol.

We burst out laughing when we were alone again. But when I tried to move, Cam held me still and I felt his cock hardening again inside me.

“We have to go,” I said on a giggle.

He thrust his hips up and I was lost again. It was rough and raw and I loved every second about it. The idea of getting caught again seemed to have us both swirling to another orgasm.

Later, as we drove home, he held my hand bringing my knuckles to his lips and kissed them.

“You’re moving in right away? It’s temporary, but it will give us a chance to buy us the house of your dreams.”

I hadn’t really thought much passed finally admitting to my feelings. “What about Jillian?” I asked.

“She’ll be fine. She’s a big girl.”

He didn’t know. “We were looking for a new place we could afford. I can’t just leave her on her own.”

“I’ll buy her a place. Her and your mother.”

That was terribly sweet of him, but all I’d learned about my mother recently and what I knew of my sister, they’d never got for a total hand out.

“That’s sweet. But you don’t have to.”

“They’re family. They always have been.”

When he pulled to a stop in front of his temporary home and got out, I leaped into his arms.

There was a difference with him that I hadn’t found with anyone else. We were more than friends and lovers. We had always been family and now it was just official.

When his arms fit snugly around me, I knew my home had always been in his arms.


“What if I could reverse time? Would you erase our wedding in Vegas?” Cam whispered in my ear as we danced our first dance at our second wedding. The one we did for the benefit of our family and friends.

“No,” I said. “Losing you woke me up to the truth.”

He gave me an adorable little smirk. “What truth is that?”

“That love can be scary and cruel, but it can be the most beautiful thing if you give it a chance and let it grow.”

My gorgeous husband kissed me then as other couples joined us on the dance floor.

When we pulled away, it wasn’t embarrassment that colored my cheek, but the flush of love. He was everything and then some.

Over his shoulder as he spun me around, I spotted my mother. She gave me a little wave.

“She looks happy,” Cam said, following my line of sight.

She did. She’d refused Cam’s financial help and wanted to do something for herself for the first time in her life. I’d inwardly fist pumped when she sent Bill packing. Okay, maybe outwardly too until she begged me to stop. I smiled at the remembrance. I’d helped her get her first job as a waitress. It was the most natural thing in the world for her, as she had a passion for serving people. She loved her new job in a way that put a different smile on her face I’d never seen before.

Cam twirled me and when I stopped I spotted Eddie and Jillian arguing.

“What’s that all about?” I asked Cam.

He glanced at me like I was dense. “What? You didn’t know?”

“Didn’t know what?” I asked, clueless.

“My brother had a thing with her a couple of years ago.” I had to pick my jaw up from the floor. “Oh, was she off-limits like I was?” he teased.