That last bit made him grumbled. “You won’t talk your way out of this one. You’re a damn good reporter, Evans, but I can’t count on you.”

That hurt. I’d had a string of bad luck that seemed to continue, but I’d done my best. Each piece that made press was far superior than the rest. It’s was my on-screen presence that was lacking.

I made it in the press room just in time. I found a place in the back, still shaken by my confrontation with Cam.

There was no time to pull myself together before everyone went silent as he entered alongside his coach.

A shiver ran through me. When someone touched my shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to find the camera crew there.

“Your nose,” the camera guy said.

I’d forgotten and covered it again.

“I bumped in a door.”

He spoke into the phone, probably to my boss. “Yeah, no go on the live interview. It’s about to start, but she’s here.”

I sighed and was grateful when the sound guy had only looked but didn’t comment.

Thank god the place was far too crowded for them to point that lens my way. It was aimed at the head coach as he took position in front of the podium.

I really didn’t hear past him stating that they were proud to announce Cam being on the team.

This was my job, I tried to tell myself. But I couldn’t keep my eyes from straying to Cam who stood not far from the coach. He was looking forward but nowhere near my direction.

When it was Cam’s turn, my ears perked up. The seductive nature of his voice made me squeeze my legs tight while hating myself.

“I’ve been wanting to come home for a long time,” he began. “This team is the one I grew up rooting for and it’s a dream come true to wear these colors. This organization had made me feel welcome along with all of the fans.”

“Why’d you want to come home, Cam?” a reporter shouted from somewhere on my right.

“Does it have anything to do with your secret wedding in Vegas?” Another one yelled from somewhere closer to the front.

He nodded his head. “In fact it does.”

“Who is she?” a woman next to me called out.

I turned to see her starry eyes glued on the man of the hour.

When I turned back his way, his eyes locked on mine and his widened. He focused on my nose, which I’d once again left uncovered. The pain had come a distant second to seeing Cam. My emotions were everywhere. I covered my face again. He probably though it had happened when I fell in the locker room.

He blinked once I had it covered and must have regained his equilibrium. His voice came out strong and clear.

“Actually, the wedding was a surprise to both of us. And there is something I really need to do.”

The way his gaze intently held mine, I turned thinking he was just looking in my direction but not at me. As I did, his deep baritone voice breached the silence not needing a microphone to cross the distance.

“I’ve loved this girl for over half my life and there never seemed to be a right time.”

I realized then the only woman near me was next to me. Not wanting to believe what was happening, I mentally made the excuse it was her he was talking about. I couldn’t accept what I was seeing in front of me as he approached.

“She had no idea what she was daring me to do that night. If she’d only known being her husband was the fantasy I never thought I would achieve, she might not have asked me.”

Where was he going with this. A flash of my early morning dream crossed my mind. Elvis.

He wasn’t done as he slowly walked forward, the pool of reporter parting like the Red Sea.

“I need to prove to her even though she’d been the one to dare me to marry her, I want this more than she could ever know.”

Dare. It was the second mention of the word that unlocked the memories I’d been suppressing out of embarrassment. What I’d done that drunken night came crashing back.

A flash of me leading Cam to a cab asking to be taken to a wedding chapel where Elvis was came first. Another of me begging Cam to marry me because they wouldn’t let us in otherwise was next.

When I opened my eyes feeling very foolish, there was Cam, not standing but kneeling in front of me.


I sucked in air. I couldn’t remember the last time he’d said my full name.

“I know this is a little late considering…I want this. A life with you. A forever kind of thing.” My mouth was open, but I had no words. He had some. “Will you do the honor of remaining my wife?”