* * * *

“Hey, Paula, you know Tyler and Matt, and these four are Michael and Chad and Steven and Mason.” Alexa introduced the very tough-looking men in black.

She smiled and said hello, only barely acknowledging Matt and Tyler.

“Was that your boyfriend over there?” Michael asked, and before she could respond, Sally did it for her.

“No way, are you kidding? He wouldn’t have a chance after last night.”

“Hey, Sally, I think I’m ready to go. I know Ava wants us back early,” she interrupted, making it kind of obvious she was changing the subject.

Matt stepped forward as Alexa began to flirt some more with Chad and Michael.

She began to turn away when she heard Matt’s voice. She looked at him and Tyler, who leaned against the seat on his huge Harley. She knew nothing about bikes, but she could tell it was expensive and extra large like Tyler’s personality.

“What did she mean about last night?” Matt asked.

“Nothing. She didn’t mean anything.” Paula looked back toward Alexa and Sally, hoping they were ready to leave.

“That the guy who bothered you last night?” Tyler asked with his arms still crossed in front of his chest and a mean expression on his face. He looked at her as if she were pond scum. She swallowed hard.

“It was a mistake. He drank too much.”

“What did he do to you?’ Matt asked as he reached for her face to touch her chin, but she flinched and stepped back.

He looked taken aback, but she didn’t care. Men were only after one thing—a woman’s pussy.

“She was dancing with him pretty sexy on the dance floor. That kind of flirty behavior can get a young girl in trouble,” Tyler stated from a few feet away. She wasn’t sure which part of Tyler’s comment pissed her off more. The fact that he inferred that she was to blame, or the fact that he called her a girl, not a woman. Why the hell did he always refer to her as a child? She wasn’t a child.

She stared at him. He was implying that she was to blame, but also stating that being young had something to do with it. He couldn’t seem to make up his mind and that conceited, mature expression on his face annoyed her. She stared at him, forced herself to give him the once-over and not be affected by his sexy body and biker gear. It should be illegal for him to wear black.

“I assure you that I am not a child. Nor did I cause him to grope me in the corner of the room and forcefully kiss me.”

“He did that to you?” Matt asked, looking completely wild with anger. She was scared as she took a step back.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s over with and he apologized. Alexa, Sally, let’s go. I’m leaving.” She walked away with Matt and Tyler still watching her, and Alexa and Sally trying to end their conversation and follow her.

* * * *

“That fucking guy is the second one this month to try to make a move on her, Tyler. I don’t like it one fucking bit,” Matt stated firmly to his brother as they parked their bikes in the garage back at their house.

“She’ll be fine,” Tyler replied in monotone as they began to walk out of the garage. Matt grabbed Tyler’s shoulder, abruptly turning him to face him.

“What the hell, Matt?”

“Fuck this shit, Tyler! I can’t take it anymore. You haven’t been yourself for months now. Not since that night at Dixie Chix when we had Paula sandwiched between us. You were so fucking turned on just like I was. I never felt it like that before. With the numerous women we’ve shared and even in the heat of sex, I never felt such a pull and connection just having a woman between us. Fuck, Tyler, she wasn’t even naked and we were in the middle of a fucking crowd of people, and still I got that amazing feeling.”

“It wasn’t that big of a deal,” Tyler said, but Matt was insistent.

“Not that big a deal? Who the hell are you trying to kid? I was there. We both felt the electricity, the power of three together like that. I’m telling you that Paula is the one for us. She’s the woman we’ve conjured up in our heads.”

“She is not! She’s too young and too innocent.”

“She’s twenty-five years old.”

“She’s not experienced. It’s obvious.”

“And this is a bad thing? You want a whore or do you want a woman who may be slightly experienced but needs direction and control? I think she’s what we’ve been looking for.”