“Oh my, why are you getting so upset? I love pink.” She em

phasized the word “pink” and then she licked her lips.

Tyler was seeing red, and with one look at Matt he knew his brother was, too.

“I’ll show you pink! Get into position.” She did it so fast they both realized that their woman was playing them. The time for waiting was over.

Matt moved behind her and ran the palm of his hand over her ass. The dress was so tight that her ass stuck out even further. Her breath hitched and Tyler held her gaze.

“Did we approve this dress?” he asked, and she shook her head.

“You wore this in public without one of us being with you?” She nodded her head. The little vixen knew that her lack of verbal response was going to bring quite the number of spanks to her ass.

Matt reached from behind her and pulled the top of the dress down. Her breasts popped out and proved she wasn’t wearing any bra. His heart pounded inside of his chest, and his dick grew hard.

“No fucking bra?”

She shook her head.

“Words, Paula. Verbal responses. You’re adding up quite the spanking, ain’t ya, doll?”

She smiled.

Matt reached around and plucked both nipples at once. She moaned and pressed her ass back against him.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re in big trouble, woman. There’s one final thing I need to see. If you ain’t wearing any panties and you went out in public with that dress on, your ass is going to be really sore.”

The heat hit her cheeks, and he knew she wasn’t wearing any panties. He couldn’t stand to wait any longer. It had been weeks since he was inside of her. He and Matt had had it.

Matt pulled up the hem of the tight dress, revealing nothing but ass and pussy.

Tyler’s eyes widened. Despite the cluster of bruises and cuts, she was dripping cream, wanting them, and that was all he focused on.

“On your knees,” he whispered, teeth clenched, and she immediately fell to her knees and kept her hands behind her head.

Tyler unzipped his pants and dropped them and his boxers, stepping out of them. He pulled off his T-shirt and stood before her, naked.

“You know what to do.”

She reached for his cock and he yelled, making her yelp.

“No hands.”

She swallowed hard. Her lips looked pink and juicy, her breasts full, and nipples hard, and Matt was undressing behind her.

She licked her tongue across the tip of his cock and he held his breath. She was teasing him.

“Suck it.”

She slowly pulled it between her sexy, slick, pink lips and drew him in as far as she could go. She moved quickly, setting a fast pace and causing him to nearly moan. Matt must have seen him losing his control because he took that moment to press his fingers to her cunt. She moaned against his cock, and he pulled from her mouth.

* * * *

Paula was shaking with anticipation. She had been pushing their buttons for over a week, insisting that she was fine and needed them to make love to her. She’d practically demanded sex from them, and they’d turned her down, concerned that her bruises and injuries would cause her pain. She was past the pain. Her focus was on making love to her two men. She wanted their cocks inside of her. She wanted Tyler to smack her ass and punish her for disobeying him. She wanted what they introduced her to, and seeing them hold back really pissed her off. She had confided her emotions in Susanna, and Susanna suggested the act she’d just performed. It worked like a charm. The best part was that she just put the dress on at the house and grabbed bags from Sally and Alexa’s trip to the mall. She hadn’t worn the dress in public. As if!

She was so utterly aroused right now with Matt pushing her toward the round table in the living room and Tyler demanding she bend over and prepare for her spanking.

Hell yeah. Mama’s been waiting far too long.