“No. No, Tyler, I love what you do to me and how you make me feel. I can lose control and not worry about getting hurt physically or mentally. I trust you both entirely.”

“You’re safe here with us. We’re going to take care of you and give you what you need and deserve, baby.” She hugged him back.

“I need to work, Tyler, and live a normal life. I can’t let some idiot who writes silly letters and takes pictures of me in my bedroom ruin my life. The club is always crowded and I’ll be safe there until you pick me up.”

“He’s not just some stalker, Paula. He’s a murderer and he’s also a serial arsonist. He’s responsible for the dead bodies found at the fire scenes.”

Paula covered her mouth as she gasped.

“What? When did you find this out? When were you panning on telling me?” Matt asked, sounding angry.

“I just found out a few hours ago.”

“How?” Matt pushed and Tyler appeared as if he were hiding something. Paula didn’t like the feeling she had.

“Tell us.”

“The fires have been set in the same fashion, using the same accelerant, turpentine. This was used to cause major damage and to cover up evidence of murder. We’re making connections, and right now, Detective Louis and the sheriff are trying to find out if these women were being stalked, too.”

“What? That’s crazy. How did you figure this out?” Matt asked, and Tyler looked away.

“Tyler, how?”

“I got an envelope today.”

“What?” both Matt and Paula asked.

“What was in it? What did it say?” Matt asked, and Tyler shook his head.

“The sheriff and detectives have the information and we were able to help two other potential victims.”

“What? Who? There were other women getting letters?” Paula asked.

He thought about it a moment and he appeared more upset.

“What did the letter to you say?” Paula asked.

When he didn’t answer, Paula stepped forward and pushed him for answers. “What did the letter say?”

“It said to stay away from you. It stated that I would be the cause for two other women to die.”

Paula stepped away from him, and Matt grabbed his brother’s shoulder.

“What two women? When did this happen?”

“It was Marla and Carole, and apparently they were receiving letters up until two months ago. This guy wants Paula, and the other women could have been previous obsessions. It’s what the detectives are leaning toward as a motive.”

“Fuck!” Matt exclaimed.

Paula was shocked and totally scared. Plus, Tyler received this letter and threat from the killer. What if he went after Matt and Tyler to get to her? She couldn’t allow them to get hurt or worse. There had to be a way to stop this guy.

“What were these women to you two? The ones you helped saved today?” she asked, concerned for the women’s safety. Tyler remained silent. He wouldn’t tell her. She knew t

hey had been with other women. She wasn’t stupid. But he had asked her to trust him and Matt and now he couldn’t trust her with the information? She was insulted and angry.

Tyler reached for her, and she pulled away and began to get dressed. She pulled on her camisole without putting a bra on first and then slipped into the skirt.

“Paula, they were just two women Matt and I knew from over a year ago.”