She sucked Tyler harder, and he moaned.

“Fuck, Paula, that feels so good. You’re doing such a good job, baby. I’m gonna come. I want you to swallow it, baby. Taste me and learn my scent and the flavor of my essence.”

She sucked harder as Matt increased the pumps of his fingers to her pussy while Tyler pumped his hips harder. He held her in place and fucked her mouth, and by some crazy, wild ability she hadn’t known she had, she held on and took his fast, hard strokes. She felt his shaft pulsate then heard a grunt as he pumped his seed down her throat, and she swallowed frantically.

She felt Matt pull his fingers from her pussy, release her hair, and begin to move about behind her.

Tyler pulled his cock from her lips and stroked her cheek with his fingers. He held her gaze and appeared satisfied. She was pleased with herself.

“So good. That was amazing. Now it’s Matt’s turn, baby.” She turned her cheek against the palm of his hand and closed her eyes, feeling content that she made him happy.

Matt undressed and walked to the bed. She locked onto his body, unable to turn away from the exquisite sight. He was gorgeous from top to bottom, and boy did he have a perfect ass. It had dips and muscles like the rest of him and he was sporting tattoos as well. There was one along his shoulder then down his arm. There was an American flag with a firefighting helmet with the number seven in the middle and a military helmet with a long rifle. She had heard that he’d been in the military and so had Matt.

He walked to the bed, lay down in the middle with his thighs spread wide and his hand fisting his long, hard cock, and curled his finger at her.

Tyler caressed her ass as she slowly walked toward the bed completely aroused and shaking with anticipation.

“We’re going to get this ass ready, baby. Having two lovers at once makes it a necessity.” Tyler stroked his finger down the crevice, applying extra pressure to her puckered hole. She moaned as she climbed onto the bed and knelt between Matt’s thighs. She wanted it. She wanted them inside of her any way they commanded. They knew her body better than she did.

“Touch me, baby, while you suck my cock,” Matt ordered, and she was thrilled to be able to touch such a work of art. She eyed his chest and the muscles along his arms. He was sporting a tattoo as well. It was an American flag with the words “Semper Fidelis” surrounding a skull holding a sharp knife between its teeth. It was wicked looking. She trailed her fingers over his waist to his chest and rubbed her palms along the nipples. “Easy, honey, or I won’t last and Tyler’s got plans for that ass.”

She lowered her head nice and slowly while she held his gaze, feeling like a seductress before taking him into her mouth. His musky scent was different from Tyler’s. She smelled his clean, fresh, manly scent, and she pulled him deeper into her mouth and down her throat. Her ass stuck up behind her, and she felt Tyler caress the globes then grab the thin material and yank it. Her hips moved as he ripped her thong from her body.

“I’ll buy you more, but it will just be a waste. I like you bare and accessible at all times.” He trailed his fingers under her to her pussy then back along the crevice. She lowered her torso to feel deeper pressure, and he pinched her clit.

She moaned against Matt’s cock, and Matt thrust his hips upward, making her refocus on him.

She increased her speed as Tyler teased and aroused both her pussy and ass.

He stroked her cunt with his finger then pulled away. He walked over toward the side. She heard a drawer open and then he returned. She continued to move up and down on Matt’s cock and was deep in thought of pleasing him as she felt his cock grow bigger when she felt something cold against her puckered hole.

She was about to release Matt’s cock when he grabbed her head and held her there.

“Easy, baby, focus on sucking my cock. It feels so good and I’m about to come. Suck it. Move faster,” Matt urged her and she did as she was told. She moved faster, feeling his cock grow bigger with every stroke of her tongue and throat, squeezing him just as he began to shove upward. She felt him explode, and then Tyler pressed his fingers to her puckered hole and pushed through the tight rings. She swallowed Matt’s essence as fast as she could a

s she breathed through her nose.

She felt the palm of Tyler’s other hand against her hip as he pumped his fingers into her ass.

“You’re so fucking tight,” he told her as Matt grunted.

Matt pulled from her mouth and caressed her hair as she laid her face against Matt’s groin.

Tyler continued to pump his fingers into her ass, making her squirm for more.

“Oh, it burns and feels so good.” She moaned then felt Matt pull her a little higher so she was on all fours between his legs but close enough that he could reach underneath her and touch fingers to her pussy.

“Oh God!” she screamed as she felt her orgasm surface.

“Not yet. Don’t you come.” Tyler smacked her ass hard.

She jerked forward, and Matt pumped his fingers into her pussy. They were drawing her nearer, closer to the edge, and she was about to break.

“Please let me come. Please, I can’t hold back.”

“Come!” Matt ordered, and she did. She screamed her release and rocked her hips against their fingers until she exploded.

Her legs were shaking as Tyler pulled fingers from her ass and smoothed his hands over each globe. Matt pulled his fingers from her pussy and laid her against his chest.