“It’s going to be okay. You’re safe,” Matt whispered. Then both men looked at the sheriff.

He and the detective turned their backs from them and looked at the contents of the folder. A few seconds later, the sheriff turned around with a scowl on his face.

Matt locked gazes with Tyler, and Tyler mouthed the words, “Go find out.”

Matt caressed Paula’s hair then stood up and walked over toward the sheriff. The detective was speaking into his cell phone. “Yes, I need a forensics unit and technical crew at that address pronto. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He closed up his cell phone.

“I’ll meet you there,” he told the sheriff, and the sheriff nodded his head as he handed the envelope over to Detective Parrone.

“What’s going on, BJ? What was in the envelope?” Matt asked.

Tyler could hear them from where he sat holding Paula.

“Take care of her. I can send a patrol unit to your place to keep watch for tonight.”

“What’s going on?”

“There were pictures of her in her bedroom. A threatening note. Can I count on you two to take care of her?” BJ asked.

“Of course. Like we said, she’s our woman and we protect what’s ours.”

The sheriff nodded his head. “I’ll call you in a bit. I’m headed to their house.”

“What about surveillance cameras here? Did they pick up on the person who left these?” Matt asked.

BJ shook his head then leaned closer.

“Something was placed over the one down this hallway. Carl and Richie were sending someone down to check it when the camera started working again. This guy, whoever he is, isn’t stupid.”

“Shit. Please keep us posted,” Matt stated, and the sheriff nodded then glanced at Paula one more time, shaking his head and looking angry.

“Take care of her,” he warned again before exiting the room.

Tyler looked at Matt and could see the fear and concern on his brother’s face.

“You go get the car. Bring it around back and let Susanna know we’re taking Paula to our place,” Tyler stated and Matt immediately walked out of the room.

“Baby, we’re taking you home.”

She pulled back, shaking her head as she pulled up off of his lap.

He grabbed her waist and made her stay put. Her face was all blotchy and red. She looked so scared. Then it hit him. She thought he meant back to her place.

“Oh, baby, not your place but our home. We’re going to protect you, baby. It will be okay.”

“Who could be doing this? Why me? Why?” she asked as she used the back of her hand to wipe her eyes.

“I don’t know, but the sheriff and the detective will find out. Come on. Let’s go.” He helped her stand and he took her hand to lead her out of the room. He would do anything to protect

Paula. She was special. She was the woman he and Matt had searched for and never found until now. There was no way some asshole was going to stand in their way of happiness.

Chapter 10

BJ stood in the kitchen along with Susanna. He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. He was worried about her and the other women. This guy, whoever he was, had been very slick. The case was now handed over to the detectives, and he would be kept in the loop of any updates.

He cupped Susanna’s face between his hands and looked down into her eyes.

“I don’t want you staying here and neither does Monte until he can get a crew in here and wire the place up good and safe.”