“That’s where you’re wrong, Paula. We have every right,” Matt stated.

She turned to look at him with attitude and shock, but then the anger hit her.

“You do not. You’ve both been ignoring me for months. You’ve never given me the time of day. Now suddenly you decide I might be someone you’d like to play with? I don’t think so, Matt. I’m not interested in being bossed around and told what to do by two men who live for dominance and control. Go look for one of those mindless bimbos I see flaunting themselves at you in the club. They’re more your speed. A roll in the hay.” She tried standing up, but Tyler still had a hold on her. She lost her balance as he stood, too, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest.

She gasped and looked up into his eyes right before he kissed her hard on the mouth.

* * * *

Tyler hadn’t expected to kiss her, but she really riled him up. The way she spoke back to him, ignored his direct orders, and then tried to leave without a care for their support was messed up. But now, with her in his arms and the taste of her lips, he didn’t care about anything but their first kiss. She grabbed onto him and returned the feverish kiss until neither one of them could breathe. He released her lips and sucked along her neck and shoulder, loving the smell of her skin and the feel of her breasts pressed up against his chest. Her scent was all consuming. It was fresh and lightly fragranced with jasmine. That was all Paula. He loved that smell and had had to avoid getting this close to her at Dixie Chix or he would have pulled her into some dark corner himself and taken a taste of what he really wanted from her.

He enjoyed dominating and being in control just like Matt. He had a feeling that Paula had something scary happen in the past, and if his gut was correct, it involved a man and his treatment of her. The thought that someone hurt her so badly that she couldn’t talk about it enraged him. He and Matt had decided that they wanted her and that she was special. Just how special she really was hadn’t hit him until this kiss.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for months,” he admitted to her, and she placed her hands against his cheeks and stared into his eyes.

“What did you say?”

He chuckled and squeezed her a little tighter. “Baby, I wasn’t ignoring you. I thought that you were too young and innocent for me. I still think you’re young and innocent, but damn it if I’m going to stand by and let another guy have a chance with you when you’re on my mind twenty-four-seven.”

She appeared stunned, and then Matt spoke as he gently slid her hair away from her face and neck. He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“That goes for me, too, Paula. When we heard about the possible break-in here at your home, we rushed over here immediately. We wouldn’t have rested otherwise. We’ve got a lot of things to discuss,” Matt added.

“But first, you should know that we’ve been attracted to you for a while, but there’s certain things we expect and need, especially in the bedroom.”

He watched as her cheeks got all rosy before she lowered her eyes, and he couldn’t help but smile. She was sweet and lovely, her skin soft and smooth and he wanted to taste every inch of her and make her belong to them and only them. Her breasts were full and way more than a handful. She wasn’t too thin, and she always dressed so classy.

“You mean the whole Dom thing?” she whispered, and he smirked.

“So you heard the rumors?” Matt asked as she tilted her head toward him and nodded.

Matt caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. She closed her eyes.

“Well, we’ll discuss it when we’re alone and have more time. If you’re willing to and interested in getting to know us, then we’ll explain and you’ll have to abide by our rules and demands,” Tyler told her.

She swallowed hard. “I’m not sure what to think about all this. My head is spinning, and I’m worried about my friends and this guy who left the stuff in my room.” She shivered as she hugged herself.

Tyler released her to Matt, who placed his hand under her hair against her neck and drew her in for a kiss. “I know that you’re scared Paula, but the sheriff and the detective will figure this out. In the meantime, I’d say spending some time getting to know you better might be just what you need,” Matt teased.

“How so?” she asked.

He kept his hand on her waist and winked at her as he looked her body over. “Looks like this body of yours needs some watching over, and my brother and I are making it our business to be the only men applying for the job.”

Tyler watched as Matt covered Paula’s mouth in a heated kiss before she could respond. Paula clung to Matt just as she did with him, and Tyler felt relieved.

Matt released her lips and smiled at her. “Better than I ever dreamed it would be.”

She smiled, obviously thrilled with his comment, and then he hugged her.

Tyler knew that this was just the beginning. Maybe if they’d acted sooner, some psycho wouldn’t be stalking her. He and Matt would be sure to keep her safe and do what they could to catch this asshole. He felt uneasy about leaving her here tonight, but he had no choice. She didn’t belong to them yet. She hadn’t heard the rules or learned their expectations, but she would tomorrow, and he hoped that she said yes and could accept them. If she didn’t, then he was ready to seduce her until she accepted and recognized the mutual attraction between the three of them. He wanted her and he always fought hard for what he wanted.

Chapter 8

He wondered where she was. Her car was always parked in the same spot every day by four in the afternoon. Something was wrong. He placed his truck in reverse and headed toward her house. Maybe she was there still. Maybe she was sick or something. He drove to her house, thinking about her reaction to his letter and to the flowers he’d sent. He’d dreamed of her last night. Her brown hair and light green eyes had shined as he made love to her. She had stared down at him, her breasts plump and her nipples hard. He had never come so hard before. She did that to him. Paula was the only one who could. He thought about the other women. They teased him and told him he was lame. They called him “limp dick” and emasculated him. That was why he killed them. That was why he burned them, too, and he would do it again.

Paula was different. She was sweet, and when he entered her bedroom, smelled her feminine scent, and saw that she kept every single one of his notes, he knew that she would be his. She enjoyed the attention and the compliments. Her feelings for him were just as strong, and someday soon they would be together.

He drove by her house and saw that she wasn’t there either. Where could she be? Who was she with?