“There ain’t nothing wrong with the bull, darling, you did well. It was just that gyrating move that messed things up for ya,” Gus teased, and the crowd whistled and hollered as she made her way over to her friends. Elise laughed and hoped that someone else would give it a try. A few guys went on up, but they didn’t do too well. Then Tommy Ollsen went up. She felt her heart rate increase, and the women screamed as the sexy young deputy approached the bull. His muscles flexed on his forearms and his brother and a few other guys cheered him on. She could see them betting some money on the ride, and she chuckled. It was so typical.

Tommy got on the bull and began to ride. He held his own as the clock continued to tick by. Quinn started to make the ride more difficult and Tommy eventually fell off, but not before breaking the record.

His brother Vic went up next. Tall, dark, and handsome was the only way to describe Vic. His hair was black and crew cut, his skin tan from what she guessed was a Native American bloodline, and his facial features were etched like stone. He was a gladiator, and boy, did she find him sexy as damn hell.

Vic rode the bull well, too. His muscles flexed, and his thighs looked toned and sexy. She had to fan herself as she watched the intensity of his concentration while he rode the bull. She imagined him naked, and as she glanced toward Tommy, she found him watching her. She felt her cheeks warm the moment he smiled then winked. Fuck, I’m busted. She didn’t want him thinking that she was interested or was flirting. She didn’t flirt with men. She did nothing to gain their attention, and that suited her well. Her self-confidence had grown so much over the years, and she was very competitive and overly ready to defend her capabilities, but right now she didn’t feel confident. She felt exposed. Glancing at Tommy, he still watched her, and he looked her over from head to toe then lifted his hand to wave.

Like a moron, she gave a small wave then heard Gus cheer that Vic was the new winner.

She clapped along with the crowd when she heard Quinn state over the microphone, “Looks like we have our top-two time winners, Tommy and Vic Ollsen.”

The crowd cheered as Elise watched Tommy and Vic celebrate as the blonde and her friends surrounded them. She thought Tommy and Vic were a bunch of jerks, allowing those women to touch them and crowd all over them like that, and tomorrow she would work on her bull riding skills and her high score. She could already beat a lot of these people, but she didn’t want anyone asking questions about where she learned to ride or where she came from. If she revealed too much, it could lead to trouble. She felt better knowing that her past was behind her and her troubles were nonexistent because she got the hell out of Tennessee.

With one last glance over her shoulder she went and did her rounds.

Chapter 4

Susanna was up in her office working when Monte arrived and totally ruined her concentration.

After making love on the small leather couch, Monte collapsed underneath her, his mouth pressed up against the crook of her neck as they both waited for their breathing to calm. She sat up, straddling his waist with his cock still inside her. She drew circles on his chest with her fingers and held his gaze as he held her hips.

“You and your brother can’t keep doing this to me.”

He instantly had a scowl on his face.

“Do what? Make love to our woman?”

She released an annoyed sigh and went to get up off of him, but he held her firmly by her hips.

“What is it, Susanna?”

“I can’t concentrate. Every time I’m up here trying to get more work done, either you or BJ show up. It’s always on nights when I’m working the floor for a few hours. I’ve even tried switching the nights I do this, but somehow the two of you know and you show up. Why? What is the problem?”

He moved his hands from her hips to her torso then to her hands. He gripped her wrists and pulled her down against his chest so they were face-to-face.

“We worry about you, Susanna. Guys want you still even though we make it clear that you’re off-limits.”


held his gaze.

“This has to stop. I’m with you and BJ. I don’t care about any other guys.”

He smiled at her.

“That’s good to know, but BJ and I are very protective of you. We almost lost you, Susanna, and it was only a few months ago.”

She understood that. She just wanted to put that behind her and live a normal life, or as much of a normal life as she could live in a ménage relationship.

“I understand, and I would like you to know that I appreciate your affection and protection. But could you please ease up? I feel smothered, and it makes me grumpy.”

She leaned forward as he held her arms behind her back and over her ass cheeks.

“Sure. I’ll talk to BJ,” he whispered against her lips then kissed her.

* * * *

After Monte left, she went back to work and began to look over some of the mail she’d received today but never got around to opening. There were a few envelopes for the girls, and then she noticed the yellow envelope addressed to Paula. There was no return address, and usually Paula didn’t receive mail. She tossed it to the side to hand out at the end of the night and immediately submerged herself in writing out bills and checking over orders. It was after midnight when she finally decided to head back downstairs.