“This crazy bastard is going to kill her. No matter what, he’s going to kill her,” Matt whispered, and Tyler grabbed onto the back of the car and squeezed hard as he tried not to yell in frustration.

This was killing him. Sitting there doing nothing was making him crazy.

His thoughts were interrupted as the sound of an explosion then a burst of smoke shot up through the air from the center of the house.

They gasped, and Matt grabbed his chest as Tyler stepped around the car.

“Paula!” he yelled as his cry filled the air around them.

* * * *

“The show is about to begin, baby. Those assholes are so fucking stupid,” Jimmy whispered against her ear as he held her against him with his arm wrapped around her waist She was only wearing a bra and her shorts. She couldn’t walk with her thighs, her arms, and her ribs too sore from his beating.

He licked across her neck and bit hard on her earlobe.

“Watch this,” he told her as he pulled open a piece of wood, revealing a small window and the view of the house way across the property. She saw the police trucks and cruisers as well as a SWAT team truck. Men in black were walking near the house she had seen. She saw the sheriff’s truck and then Tyler and Matt. She jerked forward and he squeezed her tighter.

“They think you’re in that house with me. They think I was stupid enough to bring you there.”

He used his free hand to yank her head back so he could kiss her. He forced his mouth over hers, and she tried to resist his kiss.

He released her then groped her breast and squeezed hard.

“More than a handful. As much as I liked seeing you naked on camera, I prefer you naked in person. Your breasts are even bigger and softer than the pictures showed.”

“You’re a sick asshole,” she whispered through clenched teeth.

He shoved her forward so her face hit the glass and her forehead hit the trim molding around the window frame. It cut her skin and she cried out.

“Watch them. They’re going to see you disappear.”

He reached for something, and a moment later the house erupted in a huge explosion. Wood and material flew out in all directions, and everyone scattered to safety. She jumped and he held her back against him as the blood dripped from her newest injury.

He chuckled behind her like some madman.


She glanced back toward the window. They would give up on her. They wouldn’t come searching this shack. They would leave her there, and he would kill her.

She glanced at the door one more time. It would be her only escape.

His hands roamed over her body, and she knew she was her only hope of survival.

“Are you wet for me, my little Dixie Chix?” He moved his hand down from her breast to cup her mound. She jerked, and he slammed his fist down onto her thigh, making her scream in pain.

“Open for me. You’re mine.”

She did as he told her then pretended to relax by easing her back against his chest.

“I think before I punish you for cheating on me, I’ll play with you. I want to leave marks everywhere so all will know that you are mine.”

She tried to calm her breathing. As painful as her body ached, she needed to do this.

She could hear the sirens in the distance. The fire department was on its way.

“That sound is so great. I want to be inside of you while that sound fills the air around us.” He nibbled on her neck.

“I like that sound, too,” she whispered, and all touching ceased. She waited, heart pounding, hoping that he believed her.