o go take this call. You sure you’re okay?”

“Fine, and thanks, Susanna.”

Susanna smiled as she walked out of the room.

Paula took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom to freshen up. She combed out her hair and stared at her swollen lips.

Fuck. Now how the hell am I going to hide that?

She touched her finger to it and saw that her hand was shaking.


Everything reminded her of her ex-boyfriend Sal and his abusive ways. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. The lip wasn’t really that bad. She’d had worse. God, she remembered worse days like when Sal beat her. The tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. He was a cheater, too. She found him in bed with another woman in their apartment. She had been sick and had come home from work early when she discovered the two of them going at it on her bed. Even that situation Sal turned around and blamed on her.

She tried shaking the thoughts from her head. There was no need to go there. She wasn’t really that shaken up by Jimmy’s move.

She put on her best smile and headed back to work.

* * * *

“What was going on over there?” Matt Depolis asked G-Force as they made their way toward the exit.

G-Force gave Matt the once-over. He didn’t like his tone. Both Matt and his brother Tyler were very bossy. He did notice that the women dug it, but G-Force didn’t care for it one bit.

“Well?” Tyler asked.

“It was taken care of.” G-Force offered no more information.

At that moment, G-Force noticed Paula making her way toward the middle of the room, doing her rounds. Tyler and Matt seemed to follow his line of sight.

“Hey, I’m over here, buddy,” Tyler stated a bit abruptly.

“Like I give a fuck,” G-Force responded and Matt stepped between them.

“G, we were just curious about the situation. That’s all. No big deal.”

“It didn’t have something to do with Paula, did it?” Tyler asked, and now Matt seemed to jump to conclusions as he looked right up at G-Force. G had a suspicion that these two liked Paula, but what did he know? The two of them were magnets for the chicks even with their bossy attitudes. Plus, they were a bit older than Paula, and she was really sweet and kind of innocent looking and nothing like the women that vied for these two guys’ attention.

“Some guy tried making a move on her. Had her blocked in the corner good. But I took care of it.” G-Force moved away from them as more people began to exit the club. He allowed four more people to come inside. It was a freaking madhouse tonight.

* * * *

Matt looked at Tyler, who now appeared just as pissed off and upset as he did. Good, maybe his brother Tyler would start listening to him about pursuing Paula. So what if she was way younger than them? She was absolutely gorgeous. He looked at her sweetness and innocence as a complete turn-on. She was the kind of woman that turned heads and was completely oblivious to it. He’d like to find out who the asshole was that messed with her tonight. But then Tyler would be all over him for staking a claim to someone he couldn’t have. They both wanted her and perhaps she would enjoy a strong hand in the bedroom like they desired in a woman. Tyler could lie all he wanted to about not being attracted to Paula, but Matt knew better.

Tyler thought Paula was too sweet and too young, but he also hadn’t been interested in any other woman. Like the three hot numbers that wanted to go home with them tonight. Tyler turned them down flat.

“What should we do?” Matt asked Tyler as Tyler stared in the direction of Paula.

“Nothing. She’s not our concern. She doesn’t belong to us.” Tyler headed out the exit doors. Matt followed him, knowing that Tyler cared. He was just so used to not connecting with a woman and sharing his heart he couldn’t recognize that he already did care.

Chapter 2

Jimmy sat in his truck, sulking. He had watched Paula for months now. So many guys wanted to land one of the Dixie Chix, and he had his eyes set on Paula. She was a knockout, with shoulder-length brown hair and light green eyes. She had cut her hair and at first he wasn’t too happy about it but she was still beautiful. Her face was perfection. She was innocent and would be the perfect woman to control. He had fantasies about her. He knew that she would enjoy being tied up and taken by force. Her perfect round ass was mouthwatering. He imagined fucking her from behind as he held her hair in his fist and made her his bitch. She’ll call me master, too.

He smirked as he watched the parking lot begin to clear out. He couldn’t approach her tonight. Despite his hunger and desire to try out the things he researched online today, he had to wait. The waiting would make having her under him even better. He had to move slowly. She needed coddling, but once he had her, she would be completely his.

* * * *