She thought about it a moment. If they walked on now, by this entrance, she would totally avoid being seen by Matt and Tyler. She didn’t want to see them now. She felt sick to her stomach, and somehow she felt betrayed. Meanwhile, she wasn’t their woman, and they weren’t her men. She was living in a fantasy world if she thought two mature, older men like them would want her.

She nodded her head, and Jimmy took her hand and led her onto the shiny wood flooring.

He pulled her to his side, kept his hand on her waist, and they began the two-step. As they made their way around the dance floor, she wouldn’t look for Tyler or Matt even though her mind wanted to. Instead, she focused on Jimmy and the sounds of the music combined with the roar of the crowd as someone tried to beat the electric bull again.

“Looks like Hurt So Good, is giving them a run for their money tonight.” She nodded her head in agreement. The electric bull was named Hurt So Good by her friends and her over some shots of whisky one night and a few rides on the bull. It was Elise who could really ride that bull well and came up with the name after the rest of them complained about their asses and other parts hurting after their rides.

She felt Jimmy’s hand mover lower down her back to her rear as the beat of the music picked up with a new song. It was a fast-paced song, and she kept up with him good, knowing how to dance real well. His body was wedged against hers, his hand was plastered on her ass, and she felt the breeze lift her skirt a little higher against her thighs. It was an invigorating dance, and she felt feminine and secure in Jimmy’s arms. He was a hell of a dancer.

“You look fucking hot, Paula, and you’ve got a great ass.” He gave it a squeeze. She shoved from his arms and briskly escaped toward one of the exits, nearly causing a scene on the dance floor.

“Hey, baby, what’s the deal?” he asked, following her away from the dance floor and toward the hallway by the bar. He grabbed her hand to stop her.

“Paula, what’s up? I was having fun and so were you.”

He closed the space between them, and she was concerned a moment as flashbacks from her past with her abusive boyfriend came to mind. She wasn’t used to men at all. She just didn’t know how to handle them.

“Listen, Jimmy, I have to get back to work.”

He pulled her into the dark corner by the hallway. It was one of many secluded little areas where a lot of couples made out. She watched in awe many nights, wishing that Tyler or Matt would pay attention to her and bring her there. But it never happened, and one look at the three older, more experienced women that flaunted themselves at Matt and Tyler earlier and she knew she didn’t stand a chance.

He pulled her against him. She wasn’t even focused on this situation. Tyler and Matt ruled her thoughts.

“Jimmy, stop it. What are you doing?”

“I’m getting what I’ve wanted for a while, Paula, a little taste of you.”

He crushed his lips down against her mouth as she tried to pull from his arms. He was too strong and too big. She struggled a moment and then lifted her knee up hard, kicking him in the groin.

He pulled back and bent over, trying to catch his breath.

“Don’t you ever touch me again,” she yelled as G-Force came over and a small crowd gathered around Jimmy.

“He hurt you, Paula? Did he try something?” G-Force asked, and she nodded her head and placed the tips of her fingers against her sore lips.

“What’s going on?” Susanna asked as she joined Paula, placing her arm around her shoulder.

“He’s not such a nice guy after all,” Paula stated.

“Take him out of here, G,” Susanna ordered as he helped Jimmy stand up. Jimmy eyed her, looking over Paula as if she were nothing but a cheap whore. She knew that look. Some men had all the charms up front but inside they were assholes who didn’t know how to treat a woman.

Susanna walked with Paula to the back room. They talked about what happened as Paula ate her granola bar and drank her bottle of water.

“I’m sorry I suggested that you give him a shot. I didn’t know enough about him to do that.” Susanna appeared very upset.

“Hey, Susanna, you didn’t push me toward him. He just appeared and asked to talk, and then it led to dancing and his hand on my ass. I’m used to guys like that. It was no big deal, and G-Force got to me in time.”

“Yeah, thanks to the camera system and Carl and Richie.”

“I think I should just focus on work like I’ve been doing. I don’t have good luck with men.”

“Hey, you’re a great person and a beautiful young woman. There’s plenty of time for boyfriends and relationships.”

Paula smiled. “Maybe I’ll get lucky like you someday and meet a guy who will love me.”

“He’s out there, or maybe even more than one. You never know when living in a town like Delite, Texas. But hey, I’m not in love remember?” Susanna teased as she stood up. Her cell phone rang and she noticed that it was BJ’s number.

“I’m going t