“Their reputations as Doms and the fact that Paula was trapped in an abusive relationship.”

He scowled at the thought of a man hitting a woman and being abusive.

“I had a feeling she had something like that in her past. Do you think this guy that hurt her could be the one we’re looking for?”

“I doubt it. He’s in prison on a life sentence.”

“For what?”

“For multiple counts of rape and murder.”

“Holy shit.”

“I don’t know all the details, but he was older than Paula, and he messed with her mind good. She was in a bad place when our paths crossed. But she’s grown so much in the past four years. She’s stronger now, but I worry about the whole dominance-and-control thing with Tyler and Matt. They might push her too far or do something that triggers her past trauma.”

“Hey, they’re good men and they’re not abusive. I can tell you that they are definitely interested in Paula for more than play,” BJ stated confidently.

“Oh yeah? And how do you know that?”

“Because in all the years that I’ve known them, they’ve never walked into a crowded room and announced that a woman was theirs and in such a commanding and dead-serious tone that silence filled the place. Plus, when Tyler commanded, and I mean commanded, her to hand over the envelope, she did it and she jumped into his arms as if he were her safety blanket and the only means of hope to protect her.”

Susanna swallowed hard.

“God, I hope you’re right, BJ. She needs someone to take care of her. She needs to know that real men love and don’t hit or cause pain.”

He cupped her cheeks between his hands and stared into her eyes. “Kind of like you needed reassurance that Monte and I could love you and take care of you and prove to you that you’re not alone.” Before she could reply, he kissed her, knowing that he was deeply in love with Susanna, and no matter how hard she fought against the words, he would fight for her love every day of their lives.

* * * *

Matt, Tyler, and Paula had something to eat then headed upstairs toward the bedroom. Matt and Tyler had secured the house and set the alarm system. Paula was beginning to calm down, but now that she stood in front of them with a large king-size bed behind her, she began to shake. She lowered her eyes and stared at the light beige carpeting as she scrunched her pink manicured toes into the rug. She felt tired and spent yet on the verge of arousal just being in the same room with these two sexy, attractive men. She fantasized about them so often in her mind that even now when she had them here in front of her she feared waking up from a dream and being alone.

They were both very tall and muscular. Tyler had soft hazel eyes, and she chuckled to herself at even using the word soft in the same sentence as Tyler. He was authoritative, tough, and compelling. He entered a room, and she knew it, and not just because he was that fine-looking. Matt had gorgeous brown eyes that held her gaze right now while he smiled softly. He was calmer than Tyler and more controlled in his aggression. The combination of the two of them was lethal to her state of mind and her body.

“You’re shaking, Paula. Stop that now. We would never hurt you or do anything to bring you fear,” Tyler stated firmly. There you go. This was Tyler. She shyly turned toward the bed and ran the palm of her hand across the soft burgundy comforter.

She looked up into his eyes. She needed his control. She craved it now when she felt so weak.

“Tell us what you’re thinking,” Matt commanded this time, and she swallowed hard.


’m scared of what’s going on.”

“With us?”

“No…well, yes, that, too. I can’t get the images out of my mind. He was in my bedroom, watching me,” she stated, losing her voice on the last syllable.

“Look at me,” Tyler commanded, and she did.

“Forget all of that right now. Focus on us. It’s just you, Matt, and me together in our home. The security system is on, and nothing else matters but us. No other thoughts, Paula, do you understand?”

She nodded her head and closed her eyes as she tried to allow the tone of his voice to sooth her as it encased her entire body.

“You need this. You trust us and you’re ready,” Matt stated.

“Take off your top.” She opened her eyes and stared at Tyler. She saw that deep, intense look in his eyes that he got when he was in this role. She took an unsteady breath and slowly lifted the camisole up and over her head. Matt and Tyler took a deep breath, and Matt took her camisole from her hand, brushing his fingers against hers. She locked gazes with him, acknowledging that she felt that same intense connection and spark of electricity from his touch.

“Now the skirt,” Tyler continued, and she reached back and undid the zipper, then let her skirt fall to the floor.