Ava stood next to her.

“You sure you’re okay?” Ava asked Susanna.

Susanna nodded her head, but she was watching everything that was going on around them. She had taken the lead from the start. Out of the seven of them, Susanna and Ava had the most business sense, and Susanna had guts. Susanna had been working so hard at establishing the business and making it a success for all of them so they would be free and clear financially, she had been overworking and struggling to provide for them. She had succeeded, and after all their hard work, they were all reaping the benefits, but still Susanna held out doing anything for herself. She would remain that way as long as Alexa and Sally weren’t with her here in Delite. Ava knew that the sheriff and his brother were interested. Hell, anyone within a few feet of them could practically feel the vibes between them, but Susanna wa

sn’t budging. She felt compelled to remain focused on everyone but herself.

“The place looks great, doesn’t it, Ava?” Susanna stated, interrupting the silence between them as people began to flow into the place. Things didn’t get hopping until later on a Friday night, but that didn’t seem the case tonight.

“It sure does. You know, the dance lessons are getting more and more crowded. We may have to use the other room soon.”

“Really? That’s great. Do you think it means other people from out of town are coming through?”

“I’d say so. Especially after that article Monday about Dixie Chix. That’s probably why we have the early crowd tonight.”

Susanna appeared a little panicked.

“Are you sure we have enough supplies?”

“Relax, Susanna. We took care of everything. We’re always prepared for the unexpected. That’s what you taught us, remember?” Ava winked at Susanna. Her eyes brightened, and then she looked upset again. Susanna glanced down at the floor then across the room at the crowd.

“I wasn’t prepared last night. I let my damn temper get the better of me and ran off all ready to kick the world’s ass by myself. I should have listened to Carl.”

Ava swallowed hard. This wasn’t Susanna’s normal attitude. Something else was bothering her. Ava felt Susanna was overworked and run down.

Ava touched her shoulder.

“Hey, you did what any of us would have done, or any boss, anyways. It worked out fine and that sexy sheriff of yours kicked both Don’s and Brent’s ass good. He didn’t even break a sweat.”

Susanna shook her head.

“He’s not my sheriff.”

“Uh-huh. You keep lying to yourself, darling, and let me know when reality hits. He wants you and so does his brother. Monte kept asking if you were resting like the good doctor told you to.”

Her eyes widened.

“I hope you told him I was and that I could take care of myself.”

“I did, don’t you worry, but maybe you should accept their advances, Susanna.”

“What? Me with two men like them. They’re…scary,” she blurted out. Ava wasn’t surprised. Both men were damn intimidating and confrontational when they needed to be. They had reputations around town, and most people respected them and stayed clear of them.

“They wouldn’t hurt you. They are ex-military. Good, upstanding citizens in the community, and they are mighty fine, good-looking men. When they enter a room, everyone knows it.”

“Yeah, well, when my uncles and their crew entered a room, we all knew it, too.” Susanna looked away from Ava.

Ava knew that her uncles were bad men. They were involved with everything from drugs to stolen cars. Susanna and Alexa and Sally, who were four years younger than Susanna’s twenty-seven years, were forced to do a lot of illegal things. Susanna never talked about much of it, and Ava was certain she left a lot out.

“There’s a difference,” Ava stated.

“What’s that?”

“These two men could actually care about you. Scratch that. Those two men definitely care about you. I’ve never seen the sheriff so angry and concerned in my life. He got to you before anyone else could, and then Monte shows up today and helps us out with some changes. He kept looking for you and asking if you were resting. He cares. That right there is a difference.”

Susanna was quiet a moment. “I’m not interested right now. My life is too busy, and I need to get Alexa and Sally here fast. I won’t rest easy until they’re both in my arms. I can’t wait to speak with them on Sunday.”

Ava smiled then added. “Me either.”