“You’ve been in my nightmares.”

He raised his eyebrow at her then held her face firmly with one hand while he tugged her ponytail loose with the other.

“You’ve kept your hair long.”

He caressed her hair then gripped her throat. She swallowed hard against his firm hold. He lifted her and she had no choice but to follow the direction he pulled her in.

“Straddle my waist.” She did and now they were face-to-face.

“Kiss me, Susanna, like you used to do.”

She shook her head as he squeezed tighter, drawing her face closer to his. He stared at her mouth, and she struggled, but he was stronger. He always had been stronger than her.

His mouth touched hers, and he plunged his tongue inside. He released her neck to grab ahold of her hair and the back of her head so he could control her fight. His other hand came up and squeezed her breast hard. He pinched it as she tried to close her mouth and stop him, but her damn hands were tied too tight. She felt the thin rope pinch against her skin and tear the flesh.

She cried, and he pulled his mouth from hers. Then out of nowhere he struck her. He swung with his forearm, hitting her mouth and lower jaw, sending her tumbling backward. Her back hit the hard hump in the floor, and she slid, landing in an awkward position with her legs open wide.

He reached down, grabbed her ankle, and pulled her back up. With her hands tied, her shoulder blades crashed against the hard flooring making her cry out in pain. He struck her again across the mouth. She felt her lip split and the sharp sting of pain. “Stop!” she screamed, and he hit her again then turned her around and pulled her against his parted legs. She was between his thighs, and her arms were pinned beneath her and the leather seats.

Her head was against his right shoulder as he used his left hand to lift up her shirt and cup her breast. His other hand reached down into her shorts and she wiggled and screamed for him to stop. She lifted her head up just enough to

tap his chin, and he banged his fist against her ribs. She gasped then coughed as his hand cupped her mound.

“Remain still, Susanna. You know I always win.”

She was out of breath and desperate to get away from him. Everything ached, and she cried as he held her to him. He didn’t move his hand from her breast or his other hand from her mound. He sat there in a show of possession and to let her know that he owned her and always would.

* * * *

“Your girlfriend is a witness to these alleged crimes?” the agent asked Monte and BJ.

“Our girlfriend has gathered enough evidence to put these pieces of shit away for life. You have agents in the field looking to nail this guy, and here’s your evidence right here, including pictures,” Monte stated. He looked at the other agents in the room. Some he knew personally, but he was getting a bad feeling. He was basically handing over enough evidence and proof to destroy this Casper guy as well as Susanna’s uncles. Her cousins Alexa and Sally were so worried about her and grateful they explained what they had gone through. They were willing to testify against their dad and uncles, too, but it wouldn’t be necessary. Susanna had covered all her bases, so every one of the women would be safe except for herself.

“That’s one hell of a woman you two landed yourselves. What do you say we go get her back for you?” one agent named Curtis stated, and Monte felt the relief as he looked at his brother and smiled.

“What do you say we all go get her?” Monte added, and they smiled then shook hands.

It had taken less than an hour to locate Casper. They had a feeling he was somewhere in downtown Dallas. It was late in the evening now, but everyone pulled their resources together and found the bastard. He was staying in a Presidential Suite at the Dallas Sheraton.

“I want a layout of the room. Notify hotel security of what we need,” Agent Curtis stated as his cell phone rang.

“Yes, sir. What’s that? I don’t think we can wait that long, sir. As we speak?” Curtis was talking into the phone then kept glancing at his watch. They were on the main floor of the hotel lobby in the security department. They currently were looking at a set of cameras on the floor where the Presidential Suite was located. Two men in dark suits sat outside of it in large, cushioned chairs. There were four others at both ends of the hallway and one stationed at the elevator.

“So our main accesses are through the staircase and the elevator, correct?” BJ asked.

“I’m not sure that’s the route to take. We’d cause quite a stir at once coming from either one, and we all can’t come out together. I was thinking more along the lines of splitting up in teams. If you look down the hallway to the right, there’s a set of stairs and an elevator there. We could easily come from that direction while the other teams come from the other four directions at the same time. We take out the armed men. Then the other team comes up the staircase there, directly across from the room, and enters. The others follow suit and we clear the hotel room and get to Susanna,” Monte explained, and the other men nodded. They were looking over the floor plan and their plan of attack. Next they decided on the groups and set their watches. They had to be sure to act as one at the same time or it could blow their plan away and risk danger to Susanna. Once Casper knew that federal agents were involved, he would panic and take Susanna with him.

“Hold that plan men, we have to wait,” Curtis stated, and they all looked annoyed.

“Wait on what?” BJ asked.

“We just got word that Carlos Mendez is on his way up.”

“The Carlos Mendez? The one we’ve been trying to snag for months?” Neiman, another agent, asked.

“That’s the one,” Curtis stated then looked at Monte.

“I’m sorry, man, but this guy is a huge catch. He’s responsible for murdering numerous innocent women and children in Cuba while running a drug lab. He also killed over a dozen agents. Your girlfriend should be fine for a while as they meet. We’ll see who he’s brought along with him and make a new plan. Sit tight. It will work out.”