Juliet felt her own tears roll down her cheeks. She loved Susanna like a sister, even more so because she had saved her life back in Mississippi. Susanna was always strong and the most unselfish individual and trustworthy person she had ever met. Juliet would do anything for her.

“You didn’t screw up anything. You’re just tired and overworked,” Juliet told Susanna, and the others looked at her and then back at Susanna. Susanna took her hand away from her face as she laid her cheek on the carpeting.

Ava continued to caress her hair away from her eyes. “I have the feeling you’re letting your past get in the way and rule your thoughts. You haven’t screwed up anything.”

“I did. I screwed up multiple times in one day.”

“How so?” Paula asked her.

“I shouldn’t have gone downstairs all cocky and ready for a fight with Don after…”

Juliet pushed for her to continue. “After what?”

Susanna sighed.

“Ah hell, after the sheriff kissed me in my office.”

The women hooted and cheered as Susanna covered her face with her hands.

/> Juliet pried Susanna’s hands away from her cheeks. “That was so not a mistake. You two have been avoiding this for far too long. That man adores you and wants you.”

Susanna looked unconvinced. “I wouldn’t go that far, Juliet.”

“Are you kidding me? Go all the fucking way. Maybe sex is what you need,” Paula stated, and they all laughed.

“Sure as shit does me good every now and then. It helps clear my mind and give me an extra skip in my step,” Elise added and they laughed again.

“You finally give those Ollsen deputies what they’ve been after?” Paula asked, and Elise appeared surprised to Juliet.

“Oh shit! She’s not fucking the deputies, she’s sleeping with someone else,” Ava stated and Juliet covered her mouth and laughed.

“Hey! It’s not like I’m going around being a slut. I have a couple of guys I can call when the need arises. I don’t want my pussy being all in charge when I meet someone of importance and they make their moves. If you haven’t had sex in a while, your pussy makes the decision for you,” Elise stated rather matter-of-factly.

“Isn’t that a guy’s excuse?” Juliet asked, and they chuckled.

“Good for you, Elise,” Ava stated, and Elise high-fived Ava and smiled.

“Now back to the boss here. She needs our help. She’s horny and turned on by two men who want her. She’s overworked and stressed out and probably thinks the well has run dry,” Paula told them.

“Oh no, I don’t need any of y’all’s help. I am perfectly fine in handling this situation.” Susanna slowly got up.

“Hey, what were you doing on the floor anyway?” Juliet asked Susanna.

“Sit-ups.” Susanna leaned on her hand.

“Are you out of your mind? You could injure yourself worse!” Ava yelled at Susanna.

“Naw. I was fine. I’ve never allowed pain to stand in my way before. I sure as shit won’t allow it now. I’m sorry you heard me crying. I’ve had more than a few weak moments the last couple of days.”

“Susanna, what’s really bothering you about the sheriff and Monte?” Juliet asked her.

“They both want you, and the whole ménage thing is pretty sexy after all,” Paula stated.

“They are very good men in all aspects. I mean if you’re not interested, I wouldn’t mind taking them for a ride.”

Susanna shot her a look, and Paula and the others pointed at her.

“There! Got you. You are so attracted to them. You want them both, don’t you?” Paula continued to harass Susanna.