“That was a great idea, Ava, and it seems to be increasing the hard liquor sales as we hoped for,” Susanna told them, and they smiled. “Paula, Elise, are you all set with the bars, the bouncers, and main-floor security?”

“We sure are, plus the sheriff stopped in and went over some ideas with us today while you were upstairs,” Elise added, and Ava cringed as she saw Susanna’s expression change.

“He came here and he did what?” she asked.

“He came by with his brother Monte. Man, is that guy scary and intense. He seems so dominating and powerful,” Elise added.

“What business does he or his brother have coming in here giving advice and speaking with my staff about security? That’s why I hired Carl and Richie.” She raised her voice and then held her side as she closed her eyes and calmed her breathing.

Ava placed her hand over Susanna’s hand. “Hey, honey, calm down before you hurt yourself. It was no big deal. The sheriff was concerned about your well-being and ours. Monte knows his shit. I have to tell you, those two are incredible. They gave us some pointers about things we hadn’t thought of. They were sincerely concerned over you and us.”

Susanna swallowed hard.

“All this occurred while I was resting upstairs? You all went behind my back and didn’t tell me what was going on?”

Ava shook her head.

“It wasn’t like that, Susanna. God, you’re still so petrified to trust anyone but the four of us. These are good men. They really care,” Ava told Susanna, but Susanna shook her head in denial. She was hiding her true feelings. They all heard about her and the sheriff locked up in her office last night. He even tried to stick around the dance hall, but she pushed him away. They were all surprised that the Sheriff came back to help them while Susanna rested. It was only last night that Susanna was attacked by Don and Brent.

Susanna took a deep breath as she looked around at her friends.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t like being out of the loop. This is our place and Alexa’s and Sally’s. We make the decisions together. We’ll talk about this on Sunday as we’re waiting for the call from Alexa and Sally.” Ava watched as Susanna looked at her watch.

“We have fifteen minutes until doors open. Anything else we need to discuss?” Susanna asked.

Juliet, with her long red hair, shyly rocked on the heels of her boots. She was as petite as a pixie, the shortest of the group with delicate features, a tiny nose, a small mouth, and big bright blue eyes.

“I was just wondering. Well, I mean, we were just wondering what exactly went on upstairs with you and the sheriff?”

“What?” Susanna asked as her cheeks turned a nice shade of red.

“Oh crap, something did happen,” Ava added.

“Yes!” Paula chimed in as she gave a small fist pump then high-fived Elise then Juliet.

“Cut it out now!” Susanna yelled then looked around and lowered her voice.

“Nothing happened. He was concerned over Don, and I should have listened sooner.”

“Why didn’t you?” Juliet asked.

“Yeah, were you too busy fooling around with him in your office?” Elise teased.

“No! Damn it, I’m not interested in him or his brother.”

“His brother, too? Oh shit, you go girl! You’re gonna do the local ménage thing, ain’t ya? Knocking boots double Delite style! Whoo-hoo!” Elise teased.

“Oh my, that would be something else. I am so interested in that. I wouldn’t mind a few men drooling over me and taking me at once in bed. That has to be fucking hot,” Paula admitted, and the women chuckled as they smiled wide and began joking around about a few potential possibilities.

Juliet lowered her eyes and blushed. Ava knew that Carl and Richie in security had their eyes on her. But she was shy. She’d been abused as a young woman living in Mississippi with a very religious family upbringing.

“I think we can drop this conversation for now. Let’s get to work. Everyone, hands in.” Susanna placed her hand in the center of the circle, then Ava placed her hand over hers, then Juliet, Paula, and Elise.

“On one.”

“Dixie Chix!” they yelled and raised their hands. This was their nightly tradition and probably the reason why Susanna didn’t remain upstairs resting, Ava thought as she watched the others smiling and laughing.

The women walked away, and Susanna slowly took a few steps back to lean against the end of the bar again.