Monte was trying to remain a gentleman here, but the sight of Susanna’s breast pouring from her white silk bra and being this close to her was just too much for him. He focused on helping her walk across the room, but the piece of fabric fell from her hand, revealing more skin and part of her bra and breast. He reached for the material and tri

ed to place the torn fabric over her exposed skin as she reached for the door in a hurry to leave. She pushed his hand away.

“I got it,” she scolded.

“I was just trying to help.” He held her gaze and wondered why she was on the defensive. She was stunning, with long blonde hair and great big green eyes. He was lost in thought, imagining her naked and in their bed, when he noticed the long, dull scar by her collarbone.

As if she sensed where his eyes stared, she abruptly pulled the shirt tighter, causing her ribs to ache.

“Don’t move so quickly.” He held her by her hip bones to steady her.

“Good night,” Frank called after them, and they both turned back.

They said thank you and then headed out the door.

“I appreciate your help. This was better than sitting around the ER. I can’t believe my ribs are bruised,” Susanna stated as she slowly walked to BJ’s truck with both his and Monte’s assistance.

“Thank God they’re not broken. That piece of shit hit you so damn hard.” BJ clenched his teeth as he opened the truck door.

This time Monte lifted her up gently and held her to him a moment. He stared at her, and she looked toward the seat, and then as if she realized he wasn’t moving, she looked at him again. Their gazes locked, and he knew he had a scowl on his face, but he was pissed off and worried.

“What is it, Monte?” she asked in a voice that sounded like she was scared.


He placed her gently onto the high seat of his brother’s truck and helped to strap her in. The scent of her perfume, sweet and fresh, attacked his senses. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he knew if he did, he wouldn’t hold back. He would take what he longed for and what his dominant side wanted from his woman. She may not be his yet, but she would be soon enough. Tonight’s scare, the emergency text from his brother, was enough to take some years off of his life. He slowly closed the door as Susanna leaned her head back to rest. He saw the beads of sweat on her forehead. She was trying to blow off the real pain she was in and hide it from him and BJ. That was unacceptable.

He felt the hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, she’s okay. I fucking got there in time, and Carl and Richie know to keep a close eye on the women,” BJ stated.

“It could have been worse.” Monte walked back to his Ferrari that he’d parked cock-eyed behind BJ’s truck.

He realized how worried he was and how frantic he was to get to her.

He got in his truck and followed BJ out of the parking lot. He hoped his brother talked her into going back to their ranch so they could care for her.

As they turned onto Price Street, he knew his brother had failed to convince her. They were headed back to Dixie Chix. Damn it to hell, Susanna was a stubborn woman who needed to learn to trust him and his brother. They were practically in love with her already.

Chapter 2

“Holy shit, Susanna, I can’t believe that Don and Brent attacked you,” Ava stated as she stood in the main bar area of the club. Juliet, Paula, and Elise were there as well, and they all felt concerned for Susanna. She was trying to play it off as no big deal, but they knew part of her story. They’d shared tough times together over the past four years. Susanna’s cousins Alexa and Sally were still on the run from their troubled pasts. Every day they all hoped to hear from them that they were coming to Delite to live with them.

Susanna shifted as she leaned against the bar. She eyed the bartenders Clara, Vince, and Thomas, being sure that they were listening as she placed her palm against her side. She was dressed beautifully as usual. Susanna was a class act, a true Southern belle originally from Alabama.

“I’m fine and everything is going to be okay. I should have nipped this situation in the bud weeks ago, but I was trying to avoid a potential problem and that’s exactly what I wound up with,” Susanna stated.

“The sheriff warned us. Plus, we all witnessed Don trying to sneak young women in here often enough,” Juliet added.

Ava looked at Susanna. “You don’t have to be down here tonight. You should be resting those ribs so they heal faster.”

“I’ll be just fine. Don’t you worry. We’ve got a big night tonight. The electric bull is fixed, and the band you and I hired, Ava, is all set for the weekend. It’s Friday night and there’s already a line at the door waiting to get in.” They all turned toward the front entranceway.

Dixie Chix had four bars in total with one main bar in the center of the oval dance floor where all the country dancing took place.

“Juliet, are you all well stocked in the main bar and is your staff ready?” Susanna asked as she did every night and especially on their busier nights.

“Sure are, and we have those special boot-shaped rock-candy mixers to place in the mixed drinks, too.”