“I appreciate your honesty, and I’m glad you like Dixie Chix, but I need to take advantage of the whole patient-doctor confidentiality thing, or we can just forget about the X-rays and the fact that we even met. I’m not sure if you can do that or not since I’m technically not a patient of yours, but it’s the way it has to be or I’m out of here, like right now.”

He raised one eyebrow at her. “I can offer that to you if it makes you more comfortable. I don’t want to cause you any trouble. I’ve had to do a few things under the radar, if you know what I mean?” He smiled.

She ran her fingers over the material of the blouse.

“You tell no one what you saw or that I was ever here.”

He was surprised by the seriousness of her tone. She could tell, but she didn’t give a shit. This information could cause trouble for her and her friends.

He nodded his head, and she removed her blouse.

He stared at her a moment, and then she turned around, pulling her long hair over one shoulder and to the front of her, revealing her back and a reminder of her past.

She heard his intake of breath, and she looked over her bare shoulder at him.

“No information, no questions, you never saw anything. Let’s do the X-rays.”

* * * *

“What the fuck happened back at Dixie Chix?” Monte asked as he leaned against the doorframe staring at the closed door where Susanna was.

BJ explained.

“You left her for five minutes and this happens?”

“I’m lucky that Carl knows that you and I are interested in Susanna, or I would have left there while this was going on in the back room. He called me on my cell phone and said she needed backup and was in trouble. I just wish he’d called me as soon as she headed downstairs all fired up and ready to take on men twice her size.”

“That type of shit can’t happen, BJ. Our woman is not going to place herself in harm’s way like that.”

“I’m worried about her.”

“Well, I did have a few minutes with her up in the office before we were interrupted.”

Monte raised his eyebrow.

BJ looked around to be certain they were alone. “I told her that we wanted her and I kissed her.”

“How was it? What was her response?”

“She kissed me back, but then she froze up as if something came into her mind. I released her, and she began to say she didn’t know what to do when we were interrupted. She’s attracted to me, to both of us. I’m certain.”

“How do you know she wants both of us?”

“Because she didn’t freak out when I mentioned us as a package and about the three of us pussyfooting around our attraction.”

The door opened, and both Susanna and the doctor came out. Susanna’s ribs were wrapped in an Ace bandage as the doctor pulled together some bottles of medicine.

“They’re badly bruised but not broken. Lucky for her. I hope you got the sons of bitches that did this handiwork.”

“I sure did, Doc. I appreciate you helping us out tonight,” BJ stated. Frank seemed different. It was just a feeling BJ got as they made eye contact.

“Not a problem. She’s a beautiful young woman that needs taking care of. Now you two be sure to keep her comfortable and come back to see me in a few days or sooner if she feels worse.”

“We’ll take care of her, don’t worry,” BJ replied.

The doctor explained the dosage and what to expect with the painkillers as Monte walked over to Susanna to help her to the door. Her blouse was torn at the shoulder, and a tear revealed part of her bra and breast. She covered it with the palm of her hand as they walked toward the door.

* * * *