BJ pressed a digit up into her pussy, and Susanna moaned.

“Oh yeah, we’ll get whatever we want from our woman as we learn her weak spots.” Monte licked her nipple and pulled on it with his teeth. Susanna moaned, and both men began to work on weakening their woman and getting her to share her life with them.

Chapter 10

They were a couple of days away from Delite, Texas, when Alexa and Sally got the feeling that they were being followed. There was this black sports car that always seemed to show up where they were for the past few days. They were getting low on money and taking numerous busses was their only form of transportation. They were afraid to remain in one place too long in case the black car was following them. It was Saturday night and they rented a motel room so they could shower and change. They took turns watching carefully from the window the car that sat in the parking lot a few floors below them. They picked the biggest motel with multiple floors and rooms that didn’t have balconies or fire escapes. Those were potential means to being infiltrated from outside. Susanna had taught them well. She’d given them great advice over the last year as she had experienced living on the run for years before finally settling down in a place called Delite, Texas.

Alexa and Sally were looking forward to finally being able to stop running and live with their cousin and her friends. She had helped a few women along the way on her journey to freedom, and they wanted to be part of her new business and to live normal lives away from abuse and danger.

Tomorrow they would call her and let her know about the black car.

“Hey, I just saw the guy who’s driving the vehicle get out. Look down there,” Alexa whispered to Sally. Sally carefully peeked out of the small space between the curtain and the window.

“He looks like he’s trying to make a call. Maybe I should sneak down there and try to hear what he’s saying?” Sally suggested to Alexa.

“Shit! What if he is following us and he sees you? Then what?” Alexa replied. They stared at one another.

“We both go,” they said simultaneously then smiled.

“We do this like Susanna taught us,” Alexa said then walked to her duffel bag and pulled out the black sweatshirt. Sally did the same thing.

* * * *

“I’ve been following them for five days now, Casper. There’s no sign of your woman, Susanna. These two are on their own.”

“They could be heading toward Susanna. I think you should wait it out. Patience is imperative at a time like this,” Casper stated.

“You gonna pay me for my time, man?”

“That’s why you called me to begin with, wasn’t it, Brook? Now be sure to not screw this up. I’m going to be in Texas on business, Dallas actually, so I won’t be far. If you see Susanna, you call me right away.”

“I’ll call you, Casper, but I don’t think Susanna will show up.”

Brook hung up the phone and glanced around the dump of a motel. These two chicks tried hard to not stand out and to be lost in a crowd. He almost lost them himself a few times, but he was better. He’d been tracking for years and remaining undetected himself, considering the law was after him. Brook knew he was a wanted man. He got a little messy with a few hits and left some evidence around. He now took jobs like these where unknowns were wanted and were expendable if caught. That was him. He was already wanted for five different murders, so what would a few more be if he got busted? He wouldn’t get the chair in Texas, so he didn’t give a fuck.

Perhaps if Casper gave the okay to take out these two women, he’d get to have some fun with them first.

He smiled as he lit a cigarette before getting back into his car.

* * * *

Alexa and Sally didn’t speak until they were back in the motel room.

“We have to call Susanna. That guy is looking for her and we’re leading him right to her,” Alexa stated.

“Casper. Fuck, Alexa, he’s one of Casper’s hired men. He wants to get her back to Casper and we can’t let that happen.”

“I don’t know what we’re going to do.”

“I think we stick to the plan of calling Susanna tomorrow. We’ll let her know what we found out and she’ll know what to do and how to lose this guy. Plus, she’ll need to know that Casper is still searching for her.”

“We’ll call her tomorrow. It’s late. Let’s take turns sleeping. I’ll take watch first,” Alexa said, and Sally nodded in agreement. This was their routine, especially when they were being followed.

* * * *

It was eleven thirty. They had showered, made love again, gotten dressed, and had breakfast, and now Monte and BJ were trying to get her to stay longer.

“I can’t stay. I wish I could, but I can’t,” she told them as they both held one of her hands.