“That’s it, baby. I love your feminine hands on my skin.”

She grew a bit more confident, seeing how her touch affected him, and she began to undo the buttons on his shirt to feel the soft, dusting of hair on his chest. She caressed his skin and rubbed lower until she felt his belly muscles. He was fit and solid.

“Lower, baby. Take my cock out and touch it, please. I need to feel you holding me,” he whispered in a raspy voice that undid her reservations.

She licked her lips and glanced at Monte. Monte ran his hand up her thigh, under her skirt to her mound. She stirred and he took control.

“Raise up for us, honey, and do what BJ asks you.”

She looked at Monte and saw the sparkle in his eyes. His breathing sounded unsteady just like hers.

She licked her lips as her fingers gripped the waist of BJ’s jeans.

“You’re killing me,” BJ stated.

She did as she was told, needing the direction and encouragement as if she had never been so intimate before. The truth was these feelings were different. She actually wanted to please them both, arouse them both, and satisfy their hunger.

“Do it, baby,” Monte encouraged her, and she lifted up so she was kneeling over BJ on the couch with her thighs on either side of his thighs. She began to undo his jeans, and he scooted a little lower on the couch as she reached in and felt his thick, warm cock.

She pressed her fingers around it, amazed at how smooth the skin felt and how thick and hard he was. She opened her mouth to speak, but then she felt both Monte’s and BJ’s fingers against her folds.

“Oh.” She began to run her hand up and down his shaft. BJ closed his eyes then refocused on her as he pressed a digit up into her pussy.

She tightened a moment until she felt Monte rip her panties off of her and toss them behind them. “You won’t need those.”

BJ kept one digit up in her while he used his thumb to press against her clit. She rocked her hips and made a similar motion with her hand wrapped around BJ’s thick cock.

This went on for several moments until BJ gripped her hips and lifted her up. He stood with her wrapped around him and began to walk toward the staircase.

“What? Where are we going?”

“I can’t hold back, baby. I’ve wanted you for too long.”

The panicky feeling began to worsen the closer they got to his bedroom. The lights were off, and the sunset was nearly gone but left enough light to encase his extra-large bedroom with an intimate glow.

Monte reached for the light.

“No! No lights.”

BJ placed her down on the edge of the bed and lowered to the floor.

He caressed her inner thighs and began to remove her skirt.

“You that shy, baby, because I want to see every inch of you.”

She lifted up and he removed her skirt.

She nodded her head and Monte lay down on the bed beside her.

“You on the pill, baby?” Monte asked, and she nodded her head.

He smiled at her then leaned down to kiss her. Monte’s hand went to her mound as BJ caressed her thighs open and began to massage her with his hands.

“So beautiful and all ours to feast on,” Monte whispered then kissed her on the mouth. The room grew darker as they took their time exploring her. She felt safe enough when Monte undid the buttons on her blouse and removed it then the camisole below. He ran his fingers over her breasts in between kissing her mouth her neck and shoulder while BJ teased her clit.

Feeling confident that neither man could see her faint scars on her back in this dim light, she let the arousal overwhelm her.

BJ pulled back and began to undress. Monte released her lips and knelt down next to her to unclip her bra.