“Come take a look at this footage from the side alleyway and the closet near that exit door,” Carl told her as she followed him back into the surveillance room.

Richie was bringing up a picture on the big screen so that he could see clearly as he recorded it.

“Are you shittin’ me!” Susanna exclaimed as she saw the image on the screen of Don screwing the underage girl in the back room. He lifted her skirt up and had her bent over boxes of supplies. There were whiskey glasses and beer bottles near them.

Before she could think better and with her temper flaring, she headed out the door.

“Susanna, I’ll call Clyde. Wait for the bouncers!” he yelled to her, but she was so pissed off she waved her hand behind her as she hurried down the back staircase instead of taking the elevator. She wasn’t going to take any chances that this asshole had someone looking out for him. Her radio went off right before she exited the doorway.

“He’s got Brent looking out. He’ll be on your left as you exit the doorway,” Carl stated.

“Where is he right now?”

“Directly in front of the doorway you’re heading to. What are you going to do?” he asked, but before she replied, she slowly turned the nob then banged it open hard enough to send Brent flying headfirst into the other doorway. He roared in pain as he held his nose, and before he could warn Don, she yanked open the door and caught him in the act with the young woman.

“Hey, asshole, you’re fired, and take the tramp with you.”

She watched him freak out and try to explain that he was on break. She heard yelling behind her.

“Watch out!” someone yelled. She thought it was Clyde or BJ, but as she turned, she took the hit to her ribs. Brent struck her with some sort of hard object. She lost her breath and he came at her like some wild monster.

She tried to swing back at him, but he countered each strike and ripped her blouse. She threw a right fist and hit him directly in the nose, but then some dark shadow covered them, and a moment later Brent was off of her as Ava was at her side.

“Holy shit, Susanna. He could have killed you.” She fussed over her, but Susanna was trying to catch her breath. It actually hurt to breathe, and she knew something was wrong.

She could hear the yelling in the background then banging like someone was being tossed around.

“Holy fuck, Susanna, Sheriff Parker is pissed. He just beat the crap out of Don and Brent. The deputies are here, too. Carl called them.”

“Oh God, we don’t need this kind of bad publicity.”

“Shit, Susanna, you’re lucky you fought him off and that Clyde and Carl knew what was going on. Thank God the sheriff was here. You two were upstairs in your office together right?” Ava teased, and Susanna nearly gasped, but she was in too much pain. “Let me cover you up.” She tried to pull Susanna’s blouse closed.

“I need to sit up. Help me.” Susanna grabbed onto Ava’s shoulder.

“Lie still, Susanna. I think you need to see a doctor.”

“Nonsense. Get me up and into the elevator to my office.”

“Susanna, we were so worried,” Juliet stated as she rushed over along with Elise.

“I’m fine. Make sure to cover the bar and have Carl and Richie monitor everything. I’m going back upstairs to the office.”

“You’re going to the hospital.” The sheriff interrupted the women and moved them out of the way just as Ava helped Susanna stand up.

Susanna cringed from the pain.

“I’m going upstairs. Thanks for the help.”

“Ladies, she mentioned y’all going back to work. Do it and I’ll take care of Susanna,” the sheriff ordered, and the women raised their eyebrows then winked at Susanna.

“Yes, sir,” Elise teased before she walked away.

“You are so commanding. Susanna likes that take-charge attitude in men,” Paula teased, and Susanna shot her a dirty look.

“Call me if you need anything,” Ava said, stepping back but seeming a bit concerned. Ava was the least timid of the seven friends. Susanna was the bossy one. Her friends sure did give up on helping her avoid the sheriff. It was as if they wanted him and her to get together. What they didn’t know was that his brother was interested supposedly, too.

She began to take a step and her side hurt as she tried to hold her blouse closed.