She blushed from his words then shook her head.

He gave her a squeeze.

“What is it?”

“You’re crazy. You and your brother are absolutely crazy.”

He smirked.

“We’re both crazy about you, darling, so the sooner you accept this thing between us, the more we can explore those fantasies I mentioned.” He leaned into her shoulder and neck, kissing and nibbling on her skin.

When he pulled back, she closed her eyes and prayed she wasn’t making another huge mistake.

“I have to be out of my mind, Sheriff.”


“I like calling you Sheriff, and I’m used to it.”

“In bed you’d better call me BJ,” he teased, pulling her completely away from the car.

“That’s awfully presumptuous of you, Sheriff,” she teased back.

“Oh really, because I know you’re going to be in my bed with me and my brother soon enough. I get off at five and will stop by the club to get you. Dinner at our place. And if all goes as planned, breakfast will be there for you, too.”

He kissed her on the nose then stepped away, pulling out his sunglasses, and placing them back on.

“Now get to work and go the speed limit.”

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at him as she struck a sexy pose like any woman in this situation would have.

“Oh really? Well, maybe I’ll speed the rest of the way.”

“If you do, then I’ll take that as an invitation to pull you over, smack that sweet ass of yours, and fuck you over the back of the patrol truck.”

She uncrossed her arms and glared at him.

“I can’t believe you. You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me, sweetheart. I’m the sheriff, and I’m always in charge.”

She walked to her car, pulled open the door, and got in. Starting the ignition with shaking fingers, she realized that she was utterly and completely turned on by this man and his authoritative ways.

Looks like she was going to break her rule about getting involved with a man after all. She looked in the side mirror. He was waving her on to go first, and she thought about Monte.

Make that two men.

* * * *

Susanna arrived at the back parking lot to Dixie Chix and immediately saw Monte’s black Ferrari 360 parked next to where she normally parked. Then she noticed him talking on his cell phone as he spoke with Ava. Something was up.

She was surprised at her body’s reaction to seeing him. Her breasts felt tight and her nipples hardened. She shuddered to think that perhaps the sheriff had called Monte to share their roadside episode. She felt her cheeks warm.

Get a grip, woman. You can handle these two.

She took a deep breath as she exited the car. She grabbed her attaché case and another bag of things she would need later tonight then closed her door and hit the lock button. She approached cautiously.

“Hi,” Ava stated.