“I’m fine,” she began to say, but then he gave her that damn hard look of his, and don’t you know it shut her right up.

Damn he’s got my panties wet.

“Secondly, what the fuck were you doing talking with those three men and flaunting yourself at them?”

“What? I was not flaunting myself at them. They are patrons and they came over and were talking to me.” She stared right back up at him. He was a big man and slightly bent lower to face her, but still her forehead practically hit his chin.

She could see his cheek cave in a little. He appeared as if he was biting his inner cheek, as if trying to stop words from coming out of his mouth.

“What?” she demanded.

“They didn’t want to talk. They wanted down your pants. Or rather, up your skirt.” He brushed his thumb over her hip. She shivered with arousal. One touch, his close proximity, and she was a ticking time bomb.

“Whatever, Monte. It doesn’t matter right now. I’m too tired to care.”

She attempted to push away from him, but he had other plans.

“Well, I do care, and so does BJ.”

Her eyes widened in shock. BJ was there, too?

“Yeah, honey, BJ was in the club tonight. He saw what I saw and he’s just as ticked as I am. I thought he discussed a few things with you last night.”

She stared into his dark eyes, absorbed the firm muscular cheekbones and the bit of tattoo that appeared from under his collar against his neck. That must have hurt. He was tough. Military tough, and she knew it.

“What few things? Why would he be pissed off?”

“Because you belong to us and we don’t handle jealousy well.”

Before she could reply, he closed the space between them and kissed her hard on the mouth. She tilted her head back as he devoured her moans and held her to him.

The kiss grew wild in no time at all, and his large hands cupped her face between them as he made love to her mouth. He tasted like cigar and mint. His cologne penetrated her nostrils as she grabbed onto his forearms.

As he continued to explore her mouth, making her weaker and weaker with every stroke of his tongue, he moved a hand away from her right cheek and down her arm that was holding him. He clutched her wrist then entwined her fingers with his own. She was small compared to him, and she felt every muscle in his hand and the hardness of his body. He was muscle and steel.

He brought their clasped hands up to her chest as he slowly released her lips.

She opened her eyes slowly and found his still closed a moment longer. She thought about that and its importance. His eyes were closed when he kissed her, as if he was just as taken aback with the desire as she was. In her eyes that was significant, and it meant he wasn’t faking his affections.

Her lips parted as she slowly took in air and tried to calm her breathing.

“You drive me wild, woman,” he whispered then kissed her bottom lip, taking it between his teeth gently before tugging it. He released her lower lip, kissing her fully on the mouth again.

When he released her a second time, she took a moment to collect herself.

“Monte, we shouldn’t have done that.”

He shook his head and gave her that fierce look of his. She lowered her eyes, and he stepped back just a little but remained holding their clasped hands, this time against his own chest.

“You don’t mean that, darling. You’re just a little scared.”

She tried to pull away and then flinched because she did it too quickly and it hurt her ribs.

He released her hands and swept her up into his arms, surprising her.

She grabbed onto him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
