“You don’t need to leave just yet. We’ll feel better knowing that you’re stronger and can walk on your own two feet and carry this baby with you. Now, food. You need it.” Pierce forked some eggs from the dish he held and brought it to her lips. Her cheeks flushed. He raised both eyebrows up at her and she squinted at him.

“Evonna, please, it’s important that you gain your strength back. It wasn’t too smart not eating and traveling without rest like you did. Now you’re here, and safe. Eat up. For the baby at least.” He softened his tone and she leaned closer, opened her mouth, and took a bite. He heard her stomach rumble.

“How long since you ate?” Frankie asked her, setting down the milk on the side table.

“What day is it?” she asked, and Pierce knew he was scowling. She looked down at the baby.

“We’ve been traveling and trying to get here quickly. I guess my determination was my only focus.” The baby suckled and made a humming noise. Her robe lowered slightly as he brought another forkful of eggs to her mouth. The woman was gorgeous, even exhausted after recently giving birth and passing out from dehydration.

Pierce brought another bite-full to her lips, then looked at the baby. “Out cold so quickly,” he whispered.

“Well, breast milk is warm, so it’s comforting and puts you to sleep. I guess that’s why parents warm milk for their kids before they go to sleep at night,” she said and eased his mouth from her breast and moved her robe back into place.

“Thank you for the food.”

“You don’t need to say thank you for anything. We’re happy that you and the baby are safe. Which, by the way, what is his name? Did you have one planned?” Frankie asked her.

She lay the infant on the bed and began to undo his onesie.

“The diapers and wipes, please. I’m not sure. There were a few that came to mind, now that I know I have a son,” she said, and Lou handed over the things she asked for.

The smell of baby powder instantly filled the air. He watched her change the baby, that robe lowering slightly, enough to reveal how well-endowed she was, and not just because she was making milk either. She was a petite little thing otherwise.

“How about after the father, maybe?” Pierce asked.

“That isn’t going to happen,” she said and exhaled.

Then she finished up and stroked the baby’s cheek as he remained sleeping. She lifted him up and held him in her arms against her breast and inhaled as she closed her eyes.

“More food, sweetie,” Pierce said to her softly. She opened her eyes and opened her mouth.

“I’m so tired,” she said and leaned back against the pillow.

“Milk. Have a few sips,” Frankie said to her and she looked at him, sat back up, and then reached for the glass. She covered his hand with hers and took a sip. Then as she swallowed she looked at him and quickly pulled her hand away.

“I can’t keep my eyes open,” she said, and then Pierce passed Frankie the plate.

“I’ll take the baby. Maybe while you’re sleeping you’ll think of a name,” he said and lifted the baby up into his arms, inhaling that scent that smelled so good it shocked him.

“Benny. Maybe Benny,” she said and drifted right back off to sleep.

He looked at Lou, who stared at her with such a serious expression.

“She’s okay. She’ll be fine,” Pierce said to him and then stood up with the baby in his arms and walked around the bed.

“So you’re holding him now?” Frankie asked.

“For now. Go lay down on the bed in my room, Lou. I’ll sit and watch over her. Ella will be here in no time,” he said, and Lou nodded, stood up, and stroked the baby’s cheek.

“It isn’t right, that this monster wanted to hurt them. They’re both so innocent.”

“As we know, the evil prey on the weak and innocent, not the strong and empowered,” Frankie said and walked out of the bedroom with the plate of food and the glass of milk. Lou followed.

Pierce stared down at the tiny little bundle in his extra-large arms. It amazed him how a couple could create a life. It was a miracle in itself. Some people had no right being parents or baring children. He wondered about Evonna’s life and the father of her baby. How long had they been together before she’d gotten pregnant? Had he wanted her to get rid of the baby and she’d refused? Many thoughts went through his head, but he kept thinking about what Scout had told them. That her boyfriend abused her, beat her, and was capable of worse.

Obviously, it was a lot worse than even Ella knew if Evonna was willing to drive all day and night to get as far away from New York as possible. His gut clenched and his instincts were on alert. Evonna and the baby may not be out of trouble just yet. With that thought came the instant desire to protect them and be there for them. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t think any more about it. He just watched over both of them, absorbing her beauty, her youthfulness, and wondered if they would continue to be friends when she left to go live with Ella and Ella’s men.

* * * *