Lou clenched his teeth and he saw his brother’s reactions by their facial expressions. They were pissed. No woman should ever get abused by a man, and definitely not a pregnant woman. That was the guy’s baby. What a fucking dick.

“I know, it’s terrible to think a man could be so cruel, but we all know of men like this. She was beaten up pretty good. He threatened to kill the baby. Pretty much wanted her to get rid of it. He cheated on her and knocked her around, anyway. Vye took off to her aunt’s place in New York. She was there for a couple of months, working like crazy to save money. Then one night her boyfriend and some thugs show up at Aunt Gay’s apartment. They rough her up. Demand to know where Vye was. She lied. Said she was never there. Gay called Ella, and basically Vye took off for here in hopes of safety and to put this asshole behind her. We’re prepared to protect her with what we got. Ford is on board. You all know the rules in Salvation. She’ll be protected here,” Scout said to them.

“She sure will be. In a few days, maybe we can get pictures of this guy and some information so my deputies and the men of Salvation are on guard and aware,” Ford said to Scout.

“Of course,” Scout stated.

They were all quiet.

“She’s a very attractive young woman. Very sweet, too. Someone will step in as a guardian or guardians in no time. Mark my words. I’d better go check on her one more time,” Doc said, and Kendrick walked out of the kitchen with him. That’s when they all heard Ella call out.

* * * *

Kendrick got to the door first and saw Ella by the bathroom. She was trying to hold Evonna upright, but it looked like Evonna had passed out. She wasn’t fully dressed. The robe gaped open, revealing some of her olive skin and one full breast.

Kendrick got to her, lifted her up into his arms, and carried her back to the bed. The others were by the door in no time as Doc checked her pulse.

“The poor thing is exhausted. Utterly, physically, and emotionally exhausted. She needs rest,” Doc said as Kendrick brought the covers up, tucking her in and making sure she was fully covered.

“She can stay here for as long as needed. No way she should be walking around, or even going in and out of the car. Plus, this weather is supposed to keep up like this, off and on, all week,” Kendrick said. Doc looked at him, squinting. Kendrick looked away and got up.

“I think she’s been through enough stress and she doesn’t need more. We’ll keep watch. When she wakes, we’ll feed her,” Kendrick said to him, then Doc looked toward the doorway at Sage smirking and Lou, Tex, Frankie, and Pierce looking shocked.

“More than likely she’ll have to wake up in an hour or so to feed the baby. Stay nearby. It’s important for both of them, Lou, men,” Doc said, then looked at Ella.

“Maybe come back here first thing in the morning and help her out some more. We can bring over other supplies for the baby, too. Looks like she packed some stuff. A package of newborn diapers, some baby clothes. We can get a bunch more from the neighbors near us. Their littlest one is now two,” Ella added and then caressed Vye’s cheek.

“I could stay, Kendrick. She’s my family, and this was dropped on y’all—”

“No, we’re good. Come back in the morning. We’re up by five anyway,” he said.

“I’ll pull the recliner closer to the bed and stay right here so Vye hears the baby when he awakes,” Lou told them.

Ella smiled. Kendrick had the weirdest sensation in his stomach. He almost felt jealous that Lou got to hold the baby and remain in here with Vye, yet, he never liked babies, nor was he the nurturing type. He feared getting a woman pregnant and having that burden and responsibility when he never knew where he was going to wind up or what could happen on a mission. Now, here he was having these feelings, and he didn’t even know this woman. He’d caught sight of her body, had watched his brother deliver her baby…and she had trouble attached to her. This was a bad combination of feelings and events. So why had he insisted she could stay?

He walked out of the room and the others followed. It was going to be a long night. Hell, a long few days as Evonna recovered before leaving their house.

* * * *

Pierce thought he was dreaming as the sound of an infant crying woke him. He must have just dozed off, because he was pretty damn wired. He got up off the couch and slowly walked toward the bedroom. He heard Lou talking to Evonna.

“I think if you eat something you’ll feel better, and drink, too. Both you and the baby need nourishment,” Lou told her firmly.

“I’m sorry. Where is Ella?” she asked, sounding exhausted and groggy as she tried sitting up.

“She’ll be back by five or so. It’s four o’clock now,” Pierce stated, coming into the room. She pulled the robe tighter.

“I’ll grab the food. You take care of the little one,” he said to her, then turned around and headed to the kitchen. He was heating up a plate of food when Frankie came into the room.

“Everything okay? How is she?”

“Exhausted. Hopefully she

eats something.”

“I’ll grab milk,” Frankie said and Pierce nodded his head. They walked back into the bedroom to find Evonna feeding the baby and trying to keep her breast covered. It was a beautiful sight, the many abilities a woman had.

“I know I keep apologizing, but I truly am sorry for imposing like this. I mean, I’ve invaded your home, this bed, and room. I’m sure I can get up enough strength to leave when Ella comes back,” she said to them.