“She’s okay, Lou,” Ella said and smiled as Lou turned around to face them. Ella patted her top and then rechecked the I.V.

“They’ll get some food for you, Vye. It’s important that you eat. You’re safe here and don’t need to fret over the other stuff now. Trust me to take care of you.”

“Thank you. I didn’t mean to not eat well. I was just determined to put miles between me and everything and just get here. I felt the contractions days ago, so I knew time was limited.”

“What happened, that you wouldn’t stop at a hospital or even a hotel where Ella and her men could have come get you?” Lou asked.

She looked at him as the baby pulled from her breast. His eyes widened and Vye quickly pulled her top across.

“Here, I’ll burp him,” Ella said and took the little bundle into her arms and began to caress his back and burp the baby.

“I appreciate your help, Lou, and for delivering my baby. It was a hell of an introduction, but I won’t ever forget it,” Vye said to him.

“Why don’t I grab one of my men to care for this little guy while I help you get cleaned up? One of the men went back for your luggage and the car,” she said.

“I can take him, Ella.”

Ella widened her ey

es. “Lou McCann, seriously?”

He gave her a sideways expression. “Ella, you’ve known me since I was in diapers. You know my military background and medical experience. I delivered the baby. Don’t you think I know how to care for one?” he asked and stepped closer.

Ella watched as Lou took the baby into his arms, cuddled him close, and rocked him.

Ella looked at Vye. She had tears in her eyes.

“You don’t have to.”

“He’ll be fine, Vye. Lou is a Special Forces soldier, an American hero, and a man you can definitely trust your baby with,” Ella said. Lou winked and looked at Ella.

“I’ll take good care of him. Let Ella help you, and when you’re all set, I’ll bring him back in,” Lou said.

Ella couldn’t help but smile inside. What were the chances of Vye being rescued by Lou and Kendrick McCann? That Lou had to deliver her baby, and that all four men were deeply concerned? She exhaled and wondered what may or may not come of this. She supposed it was up to Vye, and just how badly her baby’s father broke her heart, and broke her down.

* * * *

Lou walked out of the bedroom carrying the baby. He was sound asleep, so tiny and fragile. A protective instinct came over him immediately after the child was born. He wanted to know who the father was. What had happened to make Vye take off and travel nonstop to get here to Salvation and Ella? Was her boyfriend abusive? Did he threaten to hurt Vye and the baby, or was he some loser that wanted nothing to do with Vye because she’d gotten pregnant? So many questions went through his mind. Vye was absolutely gorgeous. Young, too, and, Jesus, she had one hell of a body. He felt a bit like a dick for even thinking that, but how could he not? From the moment he’d laid eyes on her in that car, in distress, something had happened.

“Is she okay?” Pierce asked while cooking up eggs and bacon at the stove. Tex, Doc, Ford, Frank, Kendrick, and Ella’s men all looked at him. He rocked the baby in his arms.

“She’s doing good. Ella is helping her clean up,” Lou told them, and then took a seat at the table.

Kendrick glanced at the baby.

“It’s small. You sure it’s okay, Doc?” he asked, not wanting to come too close. Lou had to chuckle. Kendrick completely stayed away from babies.

“He’s fine. Vye is petite, and even so, that baby probably weighs about seven pounds, and is three weeks early.”

“Early? He’s really okay, arriving early?” Pierce asked while cooking.

“Just fine,” Doc said and looked at Lou holding the baby.

“Scout, what do you know about Vye’s situation? About the father of the baby and why she’s here?” Lou asked.

Sarge looked at his brothers and then exhaled before peaking toward the doorway.

“Got a call days ago from Ella’s cousin Gay. Vye is Gay’s niece. She got involved with this guy while she was in college. Don’t know much about him. Just that he was abusive. Beat her up pretty good while she was pregnant.”