“Oh, for crying out loud,” she said. Lou gave a small smile.

“Sweetie, we have to do this together,” Lou said firmly and she nodded and looked at the others standing there, looking intense, to say the least.

“Got everything sterilized? The scissors, the other things?”

“We’re ready, Lou,” Tex stated.

He pulled down her pants. She saw the expressions on Tex and Pierce’s faces. Kendrick knelt down by the bed and reached over and caressed her hair, then held her hand. “You got this,” he said to her.

“Okay, looks like the baby is ready, and a good thing. I can see the head, so it’s in the right position. Now, I want you to push when you feel that contraction.”

She didn’t know how long it went on. When she felt the pressure and saw Lou lower down as she grunted and pushed, she didn’t scream out, trying to be strong. Then she heard her baby cry and she cried, as well. All four men smiled wide, looking shocked and also amazed.

“You did it, honey. You got yourself a beautiful baby boy,” Lou said as Tex used the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. He then wiped down the baby and wrapped him up before Lou brought him over to her. He smiled wide, his dark eyes held hers.

“Here you are, Mamma. You did great,” he said.

They heard voices and Tex cleared his throat. “They’re here.”

“Oh my God. Oh, God.” An older woman who looked a lot like Aunt Gay came into the room.

“Doc Carter is on his way. Ford is here, too, but outside.”

She didn’t know who either man was, but Aunt Ella came over and smiled wide.

“Thank God you and the baby are okay. You made it, Vye. I’m going to protect you and the baby, and so are my men,” she said, and Vye nodded. She caught sight of the confused expressions on the men’s faces who’d delivered her baby, then stared at the miracle in her arms. A baby boy. She did it. He was here and what a hell of an entrance indeed.

* * * *

“We’ll get Vye and the baby moved as soon as we can. We appreciate all your help,” Scout, one of Ella’s husbands, said to Tex and his brothers. Ford was there, too, along with Sarge and Ray, Ella’s other husbands. Ella was in the bedroom with Vye and the baby.

“We were just glad that we were there or things could have turned out worse,” Kendrick said and looked back toward the bedroom with his hands in his pockets.

“It’s something else how you and Lou were there, and how Lou delivered the baby. Good stuff,” Ford said and smiled. The sound of the baby crying filtered from the bedroom.

“What is Doc Carter saying? Are the baby and Vye okay?” Pierce asked, sounding as concerned as Tex and the others felt. Lou was still in there with Vye and Ella. Just then, Doc Carter walked out of the room. He came over, looking a bit upset.

“She needs looking after. Ella explained a little, along with Vye. Her and the baby will be under your protection and care up at the farm, right?” Doc Carter asked Scout and his brothers.

“Yes, Doc, we got it covered. Got word days ago that Vye was heading out here. She took several busses, then rented a car in Tennessee and drove herself the rest of the way. She’s been traveling for days,” Sarge told them.

“She’s lucky she didn’t have an accident or pass out behind the wheel of that car along the way. She’s completely dehydrated, hasn’t been eating well, and darn lucky that the baby is okay.”

“What do you mean, hasn’t been eating well? She wants the baby, right?” Kendrick asked.

“Of course she does. That’s why she’s here. Well, I have an I.V. going with some fluids. Maybe we can cook up some food and make her something to eat. Anything you men have or can whip up?” Doc asked.

“Or I can head back to the farm and grab some things. Maybe Ford can give me a ride,” Scout suggested.

“We have stuff. Can go out to the barn and grab fresh eggs and things. Defrost some meat pretty quickly, too. We’ll take care of making something for her. We’re pretty hungry,” Tex said.

“She’ll only be in your hair for a day or two. She’s already worried about invading your home and doing this to you men. She’s a sweet young woman. Damn sweet,” Doc said and then turned around to talk to Sarge.

* * * *

“Just bring his mouth right over toward the nipple and he’ll go and suckle. We can re-adjust if need be,” Ella said, helping Vye feed the baby.

She covered her top so her breast wasn’t showing as Lou kept his back turned.