“Fuck. There’s so much fucking blood,” Pierce stated. Lou ripped off his shirt. She saw all the men around her, and then Lou pushed the material of her dress to the side and pulled off his shirt and applied pressure. “It looks like it went right through. Where’s the fucking ambulance?” he asked.

Frankie caressed her cheek.

“Just relax. You’re going to be okay,” he said.

“Murdock?” she asked.

“Dead,” Tex stated.

“I wouldn’t let him take me, Frankie. I wasn’t leaving you guys or Salvation. Benny and I love it here,” she said and felt cold and dizzy. She shivered.

“Paramedics are here. Let them in, Lou,” Tex said and then she closed her eyes and leaned back. She wasn’t going to die. She wasn’t going to leave her men. Benny deserved to have his mamma and dads that will love him.

“You stay strong, baby. We need you,” Pierce said to her.

She must have passed out or something, because she felt her body jerk and then she was being lifted into an ambulance on a stretcher.

“I’m not going anywhere. Wait for me. I love you,” she said to them.

The paramedics were talking to her and tending to the bullet wound. She heard them say different things over the radio as sirens blared and the ambulance took off to the hospital. She kept her eyes closed and thought of her men and of Benny. Murdock was dead. He could never hurt her or her family ever again. Never.


The sound of Benny crying woke Vye up from a deep sleep. She started to move when a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.

“Don’t even think about it,” Tex said, then kissed her forehead and then the scar she had from the bullet wound. She blinked her eyes and stared at him as lips kissed her shoulder from behind her.

“Lou’s turn, remember?” Frankie asked and smoothed his palm up her thigh to her belly. She closed her eyes and relaxed between them.

“What time is it?” she asked a few minutes later.

“Almost seven,” Kendrick said from

the doorway.

She adjusted herself between Tex and Frankie, cringing as her shoulder ached.

“Stay in bed a little longer,” Tex ordered.

“I’m awake now, especially with these two hard things pressing up against my ass and my belly,” she said and Tex chuckled.

“You aren’t tired from the long night of lovemaking?” Frankie asked, cupping her breast and kissing along her neck. She shook her head and eased back against him just as Tex started to lower his mouth to her breast. As his hot mouth suckled her nipple, she moaned.

“I’m awake, too,” Pierce stated joining Kendrick in the room. Her men all gathered around her, kissing her softly, caressing her body. She wanted more. Craved more, despite the pain she was still in. It had only been a month. She was excited though. Aunt Gay was able to travel now and she was going to move out to Salvation, right down the road from the farm. She was going to babysit Benny as Vye finished her college degree and worked at the training center with her men.

She moaned as Tex suckled her clit and then slid a finger up into her pussy.

“Yes. Oh, that feels perfect,” she said and Frankie chuckled.

“Damn, baby. I love you so much,” Frankie said and kissed her lips.

“As do we. I’ve got the lube. That ass is mine this time,” Kendrick said.

“Me next,” Pierce stated and then it was on. Tex grabbed her hips and rolled to his back, taking her with him. She gasped, and then pushed away the feelings of aches and pains from her shoulder and focused on her men, their bodies, and those thick, hard cocks of theirs. She was in heaven. She lifted up and aligned her pussy with Tex’s cock and slid down over his thick, hard cock. He moaned and so did she.

Hands landed on her hips and then she felt the cool liquid and then Kendrick’s mouth on her shoulder.

“I love making love to you, woman.”