“What did you find out? This is fucking bullshit,” Fedaro Fiorre said to Turbo and his men.

“We heard from Grisha. Dmitri has him heading to New York. Nuvon Perchaveck had a warehouse hit, too, and it contained millions of dollars’ worth of paintings and guns. By the looks of things and what Bailey and I came up with, it was an inside job,” Turbo reported.

“Fuck. If Dmitri sent Grisha then he’s super pissed, and also knows something more. Goddamn, this isn’t good. Find out what you can. Any leads and then I’m sure Grisha will contact us. Give him whatever you got and work with him on this.”

“Who is Grisha?” Bailey asked.

“Dmitri Sanclare’s right-hand man. A mean son of a bitch and definitely not a man you want hunting you down,” Covan said.

“Sounds like my kind of enforcer,” Bailey said.

“He isn’t a man to take lightly. He also doesn’t talk much either. He gives orders, you do it. No questions asked,” Fedaro stated.

“Got it,” Bailey said, then they headed out of the room.

“We’ll wait to hear from Grisha. In the meantime, I had some friends look into Tex and his brothers’ new woman’s ex. Sunny and Vinny Costanza do some business with liquor sales and distribution. They own a few smaller businesses and have a bar near a dry cleaning place this guy Murdock owned and operated. Sunny said he found out the guy and two friends do some side jobs for Nuvon here and there, and last night they were partying it up big time like kings at a place in the Bronx,” Turbo told Bailey.

“So you thinking maybe their celebrating their earnings and were part of the hit on the warehouses?”

“Could very well be, Bailey. What do you say to a little surveillance?”

“I’m in. If this ex of my friends’ new woman is trouble and is looking for her, I want to know so we can cut things off before they get bad,” Bailey said.

“Okay. I have an address of a club they hang out at. Since you and the guys aren’t from around here, you won’t stand out as enforcers for Fiorre. I’ll tell you how we’ll play it as we go look. I’m sure Grisha will show up soon. More than likely he’ll do his own form of investigating.”

“Sounds like a scary dude.”

“Six-foot-five Russian hit man. What do you think?” Turbo asked and Bailey exhaled and followed them out of the back offices ready to do whatever needed to be done. He had a bad feeling in his gut. Somehow this trouble here in New York, and Tex’s girlfriend’s ex were connected. He just knew it.

Chapter Seven

Lou followed Evonna into the house to put Benny down for a nap. It had been a little awkward at first, coming to the farmhouse and being greeted by everyone and socializing. Him and his brothers really didn’t do barbecues even when they were asked in the past. They kept to themselves and they were fine with that. However, he and the guys knew this was a big step for Vye, inviting them here to spend time with her family and accepting their guardianship of her. Right now, Tex, Kendrick, Pierce, and Frankie were talking with Ford, who’d stopped by to visit.

Lou watched Vye gently place Benny into the crib, her bare shoulders flexing and showing her toned muscles. She looked angelic, sensual in the light blue sundress that hugged her body like a glove. Tex and the others were right. She looked thin, and they were concerned. They even tried adding more food to her plate, but she ignored them and pushed the plate to the side, barely eating half.

As she stood by the crib, her arms crossed in front of her, watching her baby sleep, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her and leaned his chin on her shoulder. He stared at Benny.

“He’s so adorable, Vye. You’re doing a great job with him. Is it getting better leaving him with Ella so you can work, or are you still having a hard time?” he asked.

She leaned back against him and his heart lifted with joy. It was a slow sign of acceptance of his embrace and maybe made her feel safe and protected.

“Not so bad anymore. Ella and her husbands take such good care of Benny. They spoil him,” she said and chuckled. The baby stirred at the sound of her voice. She pulled forward, placed her fingers over her lips, and went to move away, but before they got to the door, he took her hand and pulled her back into his arms. He wrapped one arm around her waist and used his other hand to cup her neck and cheek. Staring down into her gorgeous blue eyes, he held her gaze and slowly lowered toward her lips, testing to see if she would turn away or accept his kiss. When she closed her eyes and gripped his waist he pressed his lips to hers kissing her tenderly.

They explored one another with tongues, lips, and hands. He felt her fingers slide up his lower back as she pressed her body snug to his. He ran his palm along her sexy, round ass, and as he deepened the kiss he stroked a finger along the crack of her ass, feeling the thin string of her thong panties. His cock hardened and she moaned into his mouth. He couldn’t get enough. He wanted a little more. He eased her to the other side of the door, then lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him back.

He pressed his palm along her thigh to her ass and slid a finger along the crack. She pressed her lips harder to his. He pushed a little further and maneuvered his fingers between her cheeks and right to her pussy. She gasped and pulled her lips from his and tilted her head back as she gripped his shoulders.

He nipped her chin. “Easy, darling. Nice and slow. Just exploring this sexy little body. Getting you used to my touch. You okay with it?” he asked. She gripped his shoulders and held his gaze.

“We shouldn’t.?


“Yes, we should. We both feel it. Want it. It’s just some petting, nothing more.” He stroked a little firmer and felt her pussy moisten. “Yeah, baby, just like that. Let go and relax. I won’t hurt you,” Lou said to her. She gulped and tears filled her eyes.

“Trust me. I don’t want to hurt you. I want to protect you and Benny. Take care of you, make you realize how special you are to me and my brothers.” He pressed his lips to her chin, to her cheek, and then the corner of her mouth as he stroked his fingers into her pussy. She was super wet.

She gripped his shoulders and then hugged him to her. Her hips rocked and he thrust a little faster, deeper into her cunt.