“I’m not involved in this.”

He stroked her jaw, his lips close to hers. The man would be considered very attractive if it weren’t for the long scar down his cheek. Someone had tried to slice him in a fight. The other man had died.

She gulped.

“Nuvon doesn’t trust you and so you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together.”

“What? Why?”

He stared at her lips and squeezed her so tight she could hardly breathe.

“To ensure where your loyalties lie. He owns you, and you must remember that.”

“He doesn’t own me.” He gripped her throat and jaw, putting pressure on it.

“Oh yes, he does. There’s no way out of his grasp, nor mine. He has plans for you, Anastasia. Let’s find out who stole these things from him. It will be the beginning of a new journey together.” He pressed his lips to hers, forcing a kiss upon her. She struggled to get free, and when he released her she growled.

“Don’t you dare do that to me again.” He chuckled, his hold so firm and strong she had no way of fighting him or getting free.

“We are going to be very close. Tell me what you found out and we’ll go after them together.”

* * * *

Murdock bought another round at the club and the people around him cheered. He was a big shot tonight. He’d made a shit load of money on his latest score, along with Detrix. That warehouse they’d ripped off was worth the trip to Chicago. He made more fucking money in one hit than he’d ever done in his lifetime.

He downed another shot as two blondes hung on him, kissing his neck and runn

ing their hands all over his chest and his cock. He was going to be getting laid all night. He was a fucking king. What would Vye say now? He wondered and then almost sobered a moment. His joy dissipating at thoughts of her and the baby she had. He stared at the blonde. She was nothing compared to Vye. Sweet, classy, petite Vye. He cupped the woman’s breast and she gasped and then purred. He leaned into her, suckled her neck, and imagined her being Vye. It wasn’t her though. He’d fucking lost her. He’d fucked up because he was under pressure and didn’t know if this job would ever come to fruition. He’d done it though. No more slumming for shit jobs. They hit it big and there was more to come. More to accomplish.

He looked at Billy Zay. “Hey, you go by the aunt’s house at all while I was gone?”

“No, didn’t think you wanted me to. Thought you were over Vye.”

“I want to know where she is.”

“So you want me to fucking go by the aunt’s again, maybe rough her up for info?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, do it this week. See if she breaks down. That bitch couldn’t have gotten far with a baby.”

“You really want to even bother, man? Look around you. You can get any woman you want. We all can,” he said. The blonde licked his neck, then nipped the skin. He reached down and ran his hand over her ass and squeezed.

“No one is saying I’m turning it down. Vye was good, sweet, and I was her only man ever.”

“So you want to find her and raise a kid with her?”

“Fuck, no. I don’t give a fuck about the kid. I want her in my bed again. At my beck and call and to show her what I’ve accomplished. She’ll see my success and want in. I’ll make her beg while she sucks my cock,” he said and laughed. Billy did, too.

“Fuck, yeah. She was hot, maybe she still is after popping out that baby.”

“Oh, she will be. I know Vye. She took good care of herself and she knows I’ll always own her and she’d better take care of that body.”

“Well then, to finding Vye,” Billy said and raised his mug of beer.

“To finding Vye,” Murdock said and they clinked glasses and Murdock downed another drink. He was on top of the world, and sooner than later Vye would be back in his bed, and punished for leaving him the way she had.

He grabbed the blonde and kissed her hard on the mouth. He was the man. He was in charge, Vye would always be his bitch and there was nothing she could do about it.

* * * *