Well, she wasn’t going to get caught in another potentially dangerous, and bad-decision relationship. Five men? Was she out of her mind? She didn’t care about the town rules. She’d find a loophole. She would talk to Ford directly if need be but she would find one. The worst thing she could do right now was get involved with a group of men.

No, she had to be strong. Men wanted control and they wanted sex. They looked at women as an object, as someone they could have power over and use. She’d been used, abused, and made to feel like shit and a failure. She was a single mom and that was her position. She needed to resist the McCann men in every way and just be friends. This guardianship nonsense wouldn’t apply to her. She was in control of her life and of her destiny. She would make her fate happen her way. She had to be strong. Benny is my focus. Benny.

* * * *

Tex was heading to the bank when he noticed the platinum blonde standing on the sidewalk talking to Phillip Chase. He recognized Evonna immediately, and she looked good. Really good. She wore a pale blue sundress that pressed tight against her body. She looked thin. A lot thinner than she’d been a few weeks ago. His concern for her health grew deeper. Her breasts pushed against the top that curved out, indicating how well-endowed she was. She had a bag in her hand and Phillip Chase was pointing at a piece of paper, standing too close to her and the baby stroller. A jealous feeling hit him hard and he parked the truck, got out, and headed that way.

Phillip was a businessman and he owned an investment agency and firm in town. He was smiling, and as the wind blew, Evonna’s long hair pushed in front of her. As she held the paper and her bag, Phillip reached out and pushed her hair gently back over her shoulder. At this point he was feet away and noticed Evonna step back and then shyly move her hair to the side. She than

ked Phillip for the paper she held and gripped the stroller.

“There you are. I thought we were meeting at the café,” Tex stated and walked right up to her, placed his arm around her waist, and kissed her cheek. She looked shocked. He winked and bent down to see Benny, who was wide awake and smiling as he spoke to the baby.

In between, he looked up at Phillip who had a stunned expression on his face and then a scowl.

“Hey, Phillip,” he said and stood up, going back to Evonna. “What’s going on?”

“I was just talking to Evonna about college and an online program that could assist her in achieving her goals,” he said and winked at her, then looked right at Evonna’s breasts.

Tex placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her against his side.

“That’s great. She has a lot of options, especially with everyone’s help, including my brothers and mine. We’ll take care of her. Don’t you worry. Well, we need to go. We’re meeting the others.” He tipped his Stetson and then gave her hip a squeeze.

“Thank you for the information, Phillip,” she said.

He nodded at her but gave Tex the evil eye. Tex felt triumphant. Evonna may be resistant to him and his brothers taking care of her and soon becoming her guardians, but he would be damned if any other man or men tried moving in on her. She was young, in need of good men to care for her, guide her, and help her get through tough times, and he and his brothers were the ones to help her.

She needed time. It was understandable and talking to her more about her bad experience would assist each of them in getting closer to her and understanding her fears. They, of course, had fears, too, but one crazy, raining night and a hell of a storm, brought Evonna and Benny into their lives. That wasn’t something they took as coincidence or just being good Samaritans. She was meant to be their woman, and these feelings he had, possessiveness, protectiveness, and jealousy at seeing other men flirt and want her, just solidified she was meant for him.

“You didn’t need to do that. Phillip seemed like a nice guy,” she said as they walked down the sidewalk in town. He tipped his hat at a few older women walking down the street smiling and looking at him walking with Evonna.

“He’s okay, but you looked a little uncomfortable, especially when he touched your hair, never mind stared at your chest,” he told her and eyed over the dress she wore. She looked beautiful.

“I can handle men, Tex. I don’t need a babysitter or bodyguard. I don’t understand why a woman can’t fend for herself in this town. Don’t you think women are capable?” she asked, sounding a bit angry.

“Honey, a woman is capable of whatever she sets her sights on achieving and accomplishing. No one is saying that. It’s more of a respect, a support that we’re offering.”

“It’s more than that. I’m not stupid.”

“What do you mean?” he asked. She stopped, pulled the stroller under the shade of the tree and looked up at him.

“It’s going on three months living in this town, getting to know the rules, as Ford likes to refer to them. Men walk around here picking a woman, not even knowing anything about her, just going by her looks, if she’s got trouble or is needy, and it isn’t right. How can that be right, and what if a woman has had enough with men and just wants to live on her own and take care of things on her own? It isn’t allowed?”

He squinted at her, at the fire in her eyes and in her tone, and it just aroused him more and made him feel more attracted to her and her strength.

“It’s more than that. Let’s sit,” he said and she moved the stroller toward the bench and they both took a seat. They watched people walking by and he looked at her. She just stared at him and looked frustrated.

“I’ve lived in this town all my life. My brothers and I left for service, did crazy shit, but it was in Salvation we found peace and comfort. For lots of reasons, Evonna. Lots.”

“Like what? Friends? Family?”

“Yes, but, well, when we did come back we stayed alone. Despite wanting to be back and see everyone while we were away. I know that probably makes no sense, but it’s important that you know my brothers and I went through bad times. We’ve risked out lives, have been stabbed, shot, and nearly killed more times than I personally would like to remember.”

“Oh, God, really?” she asked and placed her hand on his forearm. He placed his hand over hers and brought it on top of his lap, but then looked away. She didn’t pull back. She let him hold her hand.

He looked at her.

“I’m not perfect, honey. I’m older, I know, and perhaps you’re not interested in me because of my age, but my brothers are good men that could care for you and—”